Benchmade Nimravus Tek-Lok Problem

Jul 17, 2010
I just received my Nimravus in the mail about 2 hours ago. Along with the Nimravus I ordered the Kydex Sheath and a large BladeTech Tek-Lok. I planned on setting up the Tek-Lok horizontally so I can leave it concealed since the Nimravus isn't really what i consider a public friendly knife even if it is legal to have on me. I have run into an issue, however. No matter what angle I put the Tek-Lok I cannot get 2 of the holes to line up, and after an hour of playing with it I think it's about time I ask someone who knows better than I do. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this simply the wrong size Tek-Lok? My belts are all 1.75" wide, the one I use most often being a Shellback Tactical with a Cobra Buckle, leaving the large Tek-Lok the only Tek-Lok I'll be able to use. Does anyone have advice on what I should do?
I am assuming that this is the kydex sheath. The holes should just line up. It is that simple and since you are saying that the holes won't, I would think it is the wrong size of tec lok. Pictures would really help.
BTW, I use paracord for some belt loops on some of my knives.