Best so far?

Nov 26, 1998
Of all the names proposed so far, which is your favorite and offers the best possibilities for the new knife's name?

Here's my faves (in no special order):

Heart Attack
Busse Back-up
Bare Bones (OK, so that one's mine:) )
Petite Elite
Busse Xpress
Hidden Danger
B-3/B3/Bcubed: Busse Basic Blade
Busse Black Betty
or Bitchin Bad Busse (Mine also, sorry)

I just found my favorite to date. Posted by Bobby B.

The Busse Bad Kharma

Originally posted by Dark Nemesis
I just found my favorite to date. Posted by Bobby Branton...

The Busse Bad Kharma
Who's Bobby Branton, and why did he steal my name???:D ;)
I couldn't find it in the 15 pages, but would be surprised if it wasn't already suggested.
Oh crap!! Sorry about that man, just fixed my post. I was in the Branton Forum earlier, looks like I still had some Branton on the brain, lol :)
Done similar myself before. Trust me, Branton is better than MANY other things I've been called...:D ... and that's just by my wife:rolleyes: . Usually when she finds out about a new knife (or 6...).
My favs.

Busse Neutral Ground
Busse Peace Keeper
Busse Personal Agenda
Busse Widow Maker
Busse Street Sickle

Rich Little 'cause it's little and that sucker will make Jerry rich!:D
I really like Busse "Peace Keeper" its prefect for a small back up blade. I wonder who thought up this great name, Me

Please Jerry pick my name, I really what some free INFI.
I guess I need a spell checker, Perfect not Prefect, Sorry.

Does any know went the Name contest is over?
Oh Brittany, how sweet thou art!

Do we get a signed photo of brit holden the blade?;)
A no-brainer :)

"FAILSAFE I".....much more marketing potential as in:

Failsafe One (I)

Failsafe Two (II)<~~re-curve blade

Failsafe Three (III)<~~ dagger profile

Note: I still want the silver one if I

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"