Best sword fight sequences (movie /tv)

Apr 23, 2014
Figured this would be a good place to ask .... Thoughts on best sword play in a movie or tv ...

Some nice ones in gladiator ( although not all sword on sword)

Kingdom of heaven went out of its way to be historically accurate and got some cool duels in

Lots to choose from in the starwars movies
Darth maul vs qui gon and obi wan, obi wan vs vader, Luke vs vader etc

Let's hear your faves
You must be a youngster ! In the old days there were some fine sword fight scenes. One of the best is a lesson given by a REAL coach I don't remember the movie name , sorry.
What kind of swordfighting we talking about? Eastern? Western? Etc. What qualifies a fight as "best"? Most realistic? Or most flashy-looking?
This one was entertaining.

I loved this one when I was a kid. It more like comedy now though.

Cool thread.

As soon as I saw the question, I thought: The Princess Bride... "I am not left-handed either."

Second place, the one in Die Another Day.
Best one ever. :)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!!! :D

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Forgot all about that great movie !n I think she was 42 when she made that .She's IIRC Malaysian not Chinese.
In the first Pirates of the Caribean, when Jack meets Will. It's fun, but maybe not the most amazing sword play.
By the Sword. F. Murray Abrahams, Eric Roberts and Mia Sara, a must see if you like sword play.
The final sword fight in Equilibrium.

And pick a scene from Brotherhood of the Wolf.