BEWARE: Shady MF on Ebay

Apr 29, 2016
There is currently 1 Fiddleback Forge and 1 WA Surls knife for sale by the following user on Ebay:

These 2 knives were purchased during a string of sales to a customer in October and November of last year. This customer bought alot of knives in a short period of time, then proceeded to dispute with PayPal saying some of the transactions were fraudulent. All orders to this person were signature required and delivered, with the signee's name matching the order. Our fraud detection had no red flags on these orders, I personally called PayPal to make sure these orders were legitimate BEFORE shipping, and the customer's IP Address to place the orders were within a few miles of the shipping address (which is normal). In other words, we did our best due diligence to protect ourselves. And, the person DID order them all and then tried to defraud us via PayPal.

Luckily, we have PayPal Seller Protection, so PayPal returned the funds to us...AFTER holding our money for a month. I'm not 100% sure if they will come back on us again if they lose their fight to recoup their losses...they shouldn't...but you can never be sure. But I do know that PayPal is trying to recover their money from the buyer's financial institution. So this person did get some of their money returned by their bank.

So bottom line is, they placed orders... got their knives... got some of their money back through fraud... and are now selling the items on Ebay for a profit.

Please do not buy from this seller!!! Even if they don't burn you too, you are aiding piece of shit thief.