BFC Magazine Now taking subscriptions!

Oct 2, 1998
OK we are a few days into taking subscriptions for our new online magazine and we really need you guys to step up to the plate. At only $2.49 per issue ($29.95 per year) the subscription is a real bargain!

Our break even point is 250 subscriptions and we are nowhere near that right now. So we need help to make this a reality.

Please help us keep this site going or we will have to turn to other alternatives to generate revenue.

The magazine will offer a lot of content you will not find anywhere else. We will also be testing knives each month and we will post the results no matter who wins. We have not allowed advertising, as yet, but we may have to resort to that if we do not get enough subscriptions to make this project self sufficient.

So if BladeForums is worth $2.49 a month to you please help us out.

Thanks! And come back to this thread when you subscribe and let everyone know who is in!

<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top" colspan="2"><FORM method=post action="" name=""><DIV align="left"><INPUT type=hidden name=action value=add><INPUT type=hidden name=merchant value=bladeforums><INPUT type=hidden page_name value= here name="page_name"><INPUT type="hidden" name="mag_name" value="1 year subscription to BFC To The Point"><INPUT type="hidden" name="mag_price" value="29.95"></DIV><TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" align="center"><TR align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><TD rowspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><DIV align="center"></DIV><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"></font></P></TD><TD colspan="3" align="left" width="200"><DIV align="right"></DIV></TD></TR><TR align="right" valign="middle"><TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC" width="100"><FONT size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Subscription</FONT></TD><TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC" width="50"><FONT size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><INPUT type="text" name="mag_quant" value="1" size="2" maxlength="3"></FONT></TD><TD align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFCC" width="50"><FONT size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><INPUT type="image" src="" height="24" width="26" name="action" value="add" border="0" alt="Add to Cart"></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM></td></tr></table>

You can visit the trial issue at

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

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Subscribe our NEW online magazine!
hi everyone,

the wilderness and survival skills part of the bladeforums has been operating for over one week now. What a great group. I have had fun exchanging ideas and being part of the learning process. I appreciate the opportunity bladeforums has provided Brian, Ron, and I to discuss survival with like minded people around the world.

I have a full plate...I can't afford the time or energy to run the logistics of this process. Bladeforums makes it so I don't have to.

I support the BFC Magazine subscription process and would ask others to do the same. Lets keep this forum up and running. :>)

Greg Davenport
Are You Ready For The Challenge?
Are You Ready To Learn The Art Of Wilderness Survival?
