OK gang,
Ethan and I have been talking about this since yesterday, and we have come up with a plan....
First, we have the #1 Winner! The winner of the BK10....the people's[well at least Ethan and mine] Choice...
Logan 1! Lets give it up for Logan, the shelter building man!
But, thats not all...
Ethan and I felt that there were 2 other especially good entries, and that we needed to do some thing for them and thier[or family member's

] effort, sooooo....
First, for the lizard eatin' mercenary, I mean missonary, Jason Burns, for the great lizzard killin' pic, you get a Autographed Copy of Ethan's newest Cookbook, All About Grilling!
And last, but certainly not least, for Donald's daughter putting in the effort to try to win her Dad a new knife, The king daddy of all cookbooks, that Ethan is the co- author of, The Joy of Cooking!
Thanks to all the entrants, and don't worry, we will be doing this again soon. Ethan is dreaming up some good ideas
If the winners would please email me with your name and shipping address, we will get the prizes out ASAP. Donald please include yours and your daughter's name, so Ethan can autograph the copy appropriately.....and Logan 1, we all expect a review!