BK9 - Too powerful?

Nov 5, 2009
I bought a watermelon at the supermarket today and put it in the fridge. It is Summer here and bloody hot, some cold watermelon would go down pretty well. It was a bit big so I thought I might as well try cutting it with a big knife - BK9 to the rescue!
So I figured I could cut it in half and put gladwrap over one half and save it for tomorrow.

I lifted the BK9 and brought it down in a single chop:

Luckily I didn't bring it down too hard or the kitchen bench would have been badly damaged!

So the score would be:
BK9: 2 out of 1
Watermelon: 0
Chopping Board: 0

On the positive side, I now have 2 chopping boards. On the negative side, my chopping boards are only half the size of the one I used to have. I have had that plastic chopping board for a few years, I think it cracked in half rather than was chopped in half. Maybe I'll replace it with a wooden one.
hehehehehe. That makes me smile seeing that. The BK9 is a laser, i love seeing the big woodchips it cleaves out of a tree or limb (tree limb, not body)

here is my BK9 killing a fallen tree in winter:

mmm, i think that's what you call a *cutting board*... a *chopping board* (or block) is something else entirely ;) heh heh.

nice one :>

mmm, i think that's what you call a *cutting board*... a *chopping board* (or block) is something else entirely ;) heh heh.

nice one :>

mmm, i think that's what you call a *cutting board*... a *chopping board* (or block) is something else entirely ;) heh heh.

Next you'll be telling me that a footpath is really supposed to be called a sidewalk! (seriously no one ever calls it a sidewalk here).

Here a chopping block would be what you put wood on when using an axe to split it and a chopping board is what you put food on to chop up with a knife.
What do you chop carrots on? A chopping board!
Next you'll be telling me that a footpath is really supposed to be called a sidewalk! (seriously no one ever calls it a sidewalk here).

Here a chopping block would be what you put wood on when using an axe to split it and a chopping board is what you put food on to chop up with a knife.
What do you chop carrots on? A chopping board!

perhaps a butchers block?

or the executions blocks? for the de-carrot-a-tation
I love the power of the BK-9. So far I've gone through a pumpkin, 2X2liter soda bottles (at once of course), and more than one branch!