Blade Ii

Dec 9, 2001
I just saw Blade II.

Awesome, in my opinion.

The CQB is excellent although a bit too fast to really catch the beauty of what they lay out and down.

The knife and sword work is very, very good for Hollywood.

Any others see it? If so, share your thoughts.
if you want others opinions, theres a thread over in the community center with tons'o'commentary :)

i liked it- very entertaining. i just wish that the elite team taht train for 2 years to kill blade... proved to be effective. other than that first duel when they broke in, the bloodpack were wimps. in the nightclub scene, the girls looked terrified as they were walking around... i mean come on! they're highly trained AND immortal! whats to be scared about? :)
I do not know if I will see it. I do want to see the toys and the Ducati ST2. However, I thought the first movie was really bad. Perhaps I will catch it when it comes to video.
Have not seen Blade II yet but will prob check it out this weekend. If you want (in my humble opinion) to see a good movie with a good amount of blade work, go check out Brotherhood of the Wolf. If you don't mind sub-titles it's a good action flick. Dean
I really want to see BOTW. However, it never came to the city where I attend school. Now that I am home on break it is already out of theaters here. I suppose I will have to wait until it comes out on video.
Originally posted by Hawkins
if you want others opinions, theres a thread over in the community center with tons'o'commentary :)
:confused: Where? I couldn't find it...
I have not seen Blade II but will probably catch up with it sooner or later.

Wesley Snipes is one of my favourites. Blade I had a bit too much blood, I thought. The sword play was great, tbough.
Kinda dumb plot, but huge amounts of gratuitous violence and kind of movie! :barf:

The knife and sword work were very impressive and a lot of fun to watch. Dangerous, too, evidently. In a recent interview, Snipes talked about at least three nasty wounds he picked up during the filming, and you know they're not using sharp props.

It's a great show for slipping into fantasy land when you've had about all the sheeple you can take for the day. :D
I caught the movie the other day. I liked it for the fight scenes. Nice fighting and blade work. Good examples of sinawali.

I heard Exposure (with Peter Coyote) was also a good film with blade work, but I can't seem to find it in any of the video stores. Tom Kier was/is working on a movie with Benico Del Toro that is supposed to have some good Filipino knife scenes. I don't remember what its going to be called, maybe the Hunted?

Snipes is Da Man in my opinion. He blows any and all of the current action stars out of the water. The dude can rock, and the dude can act - not that he gets a chance to do a lot of acting in Blade, but who cares.