BLADE Show 2023 - Atlanta

Setting up? Im bringing a special utx85 Im hoping someone can personalize a bit.
Nah, just going for fun...may have a collab or two on tables if anything. If it's a bare metal version like copper, brass or one of the stainless Marfione versions we can talk if you want though...I've done a few👍
I'm not sure yet. Last year felt a little too commercial with not enough custom makers that interested me. I also probably should save some money instead of blow it on more knives. Also, missed early bird tickets... We'll see though.
Good thing about living within an hour or so of there. Hope to see you there Navman, your work is very good, I'm looking to get a nice one from ya!
Are you able to bring knives in in your backpack? I read the rules and see I can carry one knife but can you bring others? For trades and such?
You can bring all the knives you can carry. There are thousands of people coming through the doors and they can’t check everyone. I’ve brought/traded Case knives with used dealers before. Most trading will take place in the hotel pit after show hours.
Thank you for this info. I assumed such but wanted to be sure.