Blade West Show Review


Second Degree Cutter
Jul 15, 2003
Flew up to Portland on Thursday afternoon, via the most excellent Alaska Airlines, arriving at the Airport Holiday Inn after a 2 1/2 hour flight. No major hassles going through the boarding process, but my EDC tube of Carmex was left on the kitchen counter at home instead of running the risk of a checked baggage fiasco, which I came to regret, as MGD for breakfast and a pack of Lucky Strikes a day for three days took their toll.:eek:

Airport Holiday Inn is $10.00 cab ride from the airport, which I find reasonable. The rooms were adequate, neither shabby, nor luxurious, for $96.00/night. The bar was adequate, but I heard the restaurant sucked. The hotel is in the midst of a renovation, so I am interested in feedback after the show next year, if it is still held in the same venue.

Making my way to the bar, I happened upon a table of knifemakers drinking and jaw boning; Ed Caffrey, Jon Christensen, Steven Kelly, Mike and Charlie Mann and Michael Rader. I was invited to set a spell, accepted, drank some beer, and told dirty jokes until my business partner Pete called to tell me that he was at the hotel.

We drank more beer(knife shows are like a working vacation for me) and ate some of the crappiest pizza that I have ever eaten anywhere,:barf: from a restaurant in Centralia, WA and crashed.

Friday morning came too quick, the show opened to VIP's at 11:00 am, so we had to set up at 9:00 am. This was accomplished in a record 45 minutes for roughly 200 knives. High Hat Knives in the House, y'all!:D

I walked the floor quickly after set up to see what was on hand, and say hellos to people that I haven't seen in anywhere between 6 months and 3 years, and meet some new people.

1st knife that I picked up was an Ed Caffrey straight backed EBK with 3" 1080 differentially hardened blade and blue/black G10 scales for $165.00. He sold the other one he had right in front of me. This knife is just the perfect sized fixed blade for stomping around in the woods and whatnot, made even handier with the addition of a mini Tek-Lok from Blade-Tech, who was at the show. Went back and showed this to Ed, who loved it, and purchased a handful himself.

Then, I went to Todd Begg's table. Met and chatted with Todd and Tanya for a while. You guys are right, they are super nice people. I found myself really digging on the Glimpse II, which can be seen elsewhere in this Forum. I didn't want to take the plunge just yet, so kept the thought in my mind.

Some other Friday highlights:

Two Bowies by Ed Fowler, who feels that after 30 years, with these two pieces, he has accomplished what he set out to do, and swears that he is done making knives, and is running for Sheriff.(Right, Ed, maybe I can see you taking a 90 day sabbatical at best!)

Got to meet Butch Devereaux, and look at his knives. He has an excellent sense of humor, and a handshake like a bear trap

Bill Burke had a fighter with hamon and desert ironwood handle that was about as attractive a forged blade as could be had.

Henry Torres had some awfully nice forged blades, including a lovely fighter that was very reminiscent of a R.A. "Russ" Andrews fighter that I think PTG has.

Donald Bell had some beautiful art folders that were just amazing to behold. I cannot believe that he made the trip down from Nova Scotia, but am sure glad that he did.

Phillip Baldwin of Shining Wave Metals came down to hang out with me and Pete, and Robert Golden came down to hang out and brought a J.D. Smith dagger and shamshir for show and tell.

Got to spend some quality face time chatting about all things knife with Neil Ostroff of True North Knives.

After the show was over, we went to the Hawthorne District(about 20 minute drive from the hotel) for some food. We decided to bail on the awards presentation and reception, due to extreme hunger. We had a beer at McMinamin's Bagdad Theater and Cafe(great IPA) and ate some pretty tasty chow at Big Daddy's Barbecue. After that we went back to the hotel and hung out at the bar until it closed. It was pretty well deserted, I only saw about 5 other patrons, and the bar/lounge looked like it could hold about 100 people.

Saturday was better attended. Decided to make the plunge and pick up the Glimpse II from Todd Begg. It turned out the one I selected won the "Best Tactical" award. Black G-10 with silver twill G-10 inlays. The grinds are impeccable, the hand satin finish is well executed and the flipper action is virtually flawless. I feel that the knife represents good value, and that Todd's workmanship and pricing are at the right point, using investment terms, is "Buy and hold". I was frankly surprised that Todd did not sell out on Friday, but he did, sometime mid-morning Saturday.

I spent most of the rest of Saturday behind the table or in the parking lot smoking. Benchmade was set up in front of us, and Les DeAsis was at the show for most of the day, Saturday AND Sunday. This allowed me a couple hours to catch up with Les and chat, that was very cool. Also got to chat with Doug Ritter for about 1/2 hour, and Mike Fuller of TOPS knives for about an hour(Mike is a really, really good person, with a wicked sense of humor).

My business partner picked up a cut-and-shoot from Bruce Bump, and was happier than a kid. I could not however, convince him to let me shoot it into the bed in the hotel room, which makes no sense, since the room was in my name, and if anyone was going to get arrested, it would be me. Would have been worth it! Maybe he didn't want to clean it?

After the show banged up on Saturday, we went to the Brazil Grill on 12th in downtown Portland, and CHOWED on all-you-can eat meat!

Sunday was, as has been indicated, was sort of a yawn, but I did trade for some Strider knives, out of curiosity. I got an AR, with grooved green G-10 scales, and admit, I cannot see what all the fuss is about. Nice quality make, fit, and I guess, finish, but it is heavy for a knife with ti liners, and is very bulky. I met Mick Strider, and I thought that he was very polite and comedic.

People that are slagging on the show may have a point, but it was worth the trip to me.

High points:

  • So many makers (100 tables) of quality that I don't get to see at Eugene; Ed Caffrey, Angus Trim, Todd Begg, Donald Bell, Bob Lay......
  • Was awfully convenient to attend, without the logistic hassles of going to Eugene.
  • Got to meet, and chat with Forumites Joss, BladeGoblin(Anthony), Bill Siegle, Randucci, Bruce Bump, Raymond Richard, Chuck Richards....
  • I liked that we did not have to drive from the hotel to the show room, and there was ample parking.
  • You can smoke in the bars in Oregon(for now)
  • It was a decent buying show, and those of you that don't get it probably never will.
  • I got to hang out with the most excellent Bybee family, Chuck, Brenda and Jessica, of Alpha Knife Supply. They are the nicest people around.

The show was a lot of fun. We will definitely be in attendance next year, as I believe that this show will grow with support from EVERYONE involved.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
congratulations on your marriage, BTW, I wish you many years of happily wedded bliss.:)

1. I don't know how effectively each table holder marketed this show, and that is a necessity at this point. I know that I personally was responsible for 5 people coming down from the Puget Sound region to hang out, and I put pressure on another 5 to show up, and they did(definitely not JUST because of me, though) but if the other 99 table holders had been directly responsible for 10 people showing up, there would have been a guaranteed 1,000 attendees.

2. The location might not have been primo, but it is definitely better than the Costa Mesa location, and immeasurably better than the Ontario, CA location. There must be an analogous location to the Stouffer Radission/Convention center in Atlanta SOMEWHERE in Portland? You would know better than I.

3. Timing of year is important, and this happened on the same weekend as the gathering at Ashokan, and a week after the Chicago show. Yes, there are a lot of shows nowadays, but there a not a lot of IMPORTANT shows(Blade, Huntington Beach, AKI, Spirit of Steel...). I think it is important to not schedule a show to close to a major/important show.

4. Lighting was not great, a bank ATM located close by is a must, and the food availability sucked. The food provider in the show hall closed up at 2:00 pm, and that was not great.

5. I'm all for a Friday/Saturday or Saturday/Sunday show format, I personally prefer a Friday/Saturday format, but that is arguable.

6. It would have been nice to sell a knife or two(I sold nothing, but my business partner did), to at least recoup expenses, but I don't blame anyone but myself when that happens.

That's about all I can think of.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson

A VERY colorful write-up and engaging description. I loved every word. (You are especially good with punctuation, BTW. Grammar nazi's notice... ;) )

Nicely assessed.

Thank you!

Thanks for taking time to do the review, Steven. I enjoyed it.

Steven, It was good to finally meet you in person. Thanks for flying in and participating in the show.
Im really glad you and Pete didnt get the your hotel door kicked in because of the pistol/folder! I didnt give you guys the safety speech! :) Im pretty sure its every bit as loud as a .22 long rifle.
Thank Pete one more time for me and ask him if he needs the contact info for more bullets.
As always, it is really great to read your review.
I really really would have wanted to read an objective review of the Cut'n'Shoot.
Great review, very clear and the spelling was exceptional, but you didnt tell us what you were wearing??? :p :eek: :p
Good review. I had a blast talking with you and seeing the blades you brought. Thanks :)
The first day is a blurr, but Saturday Steven had on a snazzy outfit....a long sleeved brightly colored button down shirt with a black leather vest, it had three rope style chains across the front, black jeans and a black cowboy hat, black boots too, I think, but I didn't really look. Sunday was another brightly colored short sleeved shirt, black jeans, and I have to say his head gear clashed entirely with the attire......I won't give details, but lets just say that the "Queer eye for the Straight Guy" fellows are gnashing their teeth and wailing with horror. Now I can't recall the third day, and I maybe off on some of the details, but then I didn't know a reveiw of his fashion sense would be needed, so in the future I will take notes and perhaps even a photo or two.

Steven, beware the 6th of October!!!! The fashion police will be after you!!!!

Oh yeah, and the reveiw of the show is excellent.....feels like de ja vue just reading it!

As for the downside, points 1-4 are dead on target.
..... but you didnt tell us what you were wearing??? :p :eek: :p

It was a lot of fun to see/meet Todd and Tanya Begg, Bruce Bump, and Bill Siegle, as well as others, and that was what I was trying to get across. At a smaller, new show such as Blade West, there are opportunities to visit with people for a length of time, and intensity, that becomes unavailable as the show grows. NOW is the time to attend, not in 5 years, when it becomes a monster, and everyone is wistfully longing for the "good ol' days".

Tom, I wear pretty much the same clothes at every show I set up at, so it is not really worth recounting when I do a show review. Loud ass cowboy shirts the first two days, Mick Strider called the one on Saturday "the ugliest shirt I have ever seen", which was really funny, because there was an older gentleman that walked into the Strider booth right after he said that, wearing an even LOUDER shirt. Last day of any show, I wear a Seattle Tattoo Emporium bowling shirt, 'cause you gotta represent, yo!

Thanks, everyone, and looking forward to seeing many of you in two weeks at the "Evening of the Cutlery Arts" in Huntington Beach.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
I always enjoy your show reviews and this one is no exception. Vintage Garsson.

From someone who hasn't made it to the BIG shows,yet,your reviews and time spent doing them are very much appreciated. :cool:

A pack of Lucky's a day,I would have thought for you it would be KOOL's.:p :D

I'm glad I was worth mentioning assholio! :grumpy:


Nice write up STeven. It was great seeing you again.

I loved the show, if for no other reason than I had not been to a show since Reno last January. I sure hope that the custom maker end of this show goes up. I'd like to have a table next year if I can swing it with work.
Nice review Mr. Garsson. Any plans on attending the NYC show this November?
I'm glad I was worth mentioning assholio! :grumpy:


Nice write up STeven. It was great seeing you again.

I was trying to keep it a SECRET, buttmunch!!:eek:

Every time your name is in print, either here or in BLADE, it seems like it adds about three weeks to the amount of time before we can touch base.:D That and the fact that you are "otherwise engaged" when not at work.;)

Thanks for the G-10, BTW, I appreciate it greatly, and did not express that at the time. I'll see you at Reno.

G3 said:
Nice review Mr. Garsson. Any plans on attending the NYC show this November?

Would love to, but no, I will not be returning to the NYC show for some time. If I have to pick one show on the East Coast, and I do, it is Blade. The next time I will be there is probably in 2008.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson