Blade wobble in a Schrade 34OT


Slipjoint Addict
Platinum Member
Feb 2, 2005
Picked up a well used USA made Schrade 34OT. The sheepsfoot and spey blades are pretty tight, but the main blade is very loose. What can I do to tighten this up?
I've always had success in squeezing the bolster end very gently in a vise to tighten up the pivot pin. You might have to do this three of four times to get it just right but best to go very slowly and just squeeze a little bit tighter each time. Go slowly as you can go too far if not careful and make the knife very hard to open. This process has always worked for me and tightened up the blade and removed excess play without harming the knife.
Good luck and let us know if you try it.
If I am trying to repair a work knife like my Kabar 1100, I tap on the bolsters with a nylon hammer then peen the pin on both sides with a small ball peen hammer with the other side of the pin on a solid metal surface.
the 34OT has the swinden key construction, so you cannot peen the pin, as there is no visible pin to see.