BladeForums Exclusive Sebenza!

Flat clip blade like the one on Lock 45, with false edge.

Circuit inlays

Dual thumstuds

Marion David Poff aka Eye, one can msg me at If I fail to check back with this thread and you want some info, email me.

My site is at: Including my review of the Kasper AFCK, thougths on the AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper.

"We will either find a way, or make one." Hannibal, 210 B.C.

I would say a small with LDC grooves and a more radical clip on the blade.

The gradient blue anodizing sounds feasible.

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it

[This message has been edited by RKnight (edited 24 October 1999).]
No grooves, please. They just tend to gather dirt and don't improve the grip at all. And lets keep the tip strength at a maximum, shall we.

James Segura
San Francisco, CA


I see that you have multiple Sebenzas in your collection. Interesting to find out that the grooves do not improve the grip.

I do think CRK could change the blade geometry and produce a more steeply clipped blade while maintaining tip strength.

However, I seriously doubt they will go that far.

Perhaps a simple gradient anodizing is enough to reasonably ask for.

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it
Ron, yes, hopefully the steel is strong enough to accommodate a change of geometry without sacrificing too much strength overall. A clip point should not be a drastic change, but I agree we should not hold out for too much.

I carried a LDC Sebenza for a few months before switching to a plain variety. I have been unable to tell any difference in the security of the grip, only that the handles are much tougher to keep clean. The texture of the Sandblasted Ti seems to be the major factor in the grip, after handle shape, of course. The top grind on the blade doesn’t seem to have much of an advantage for penetration, either. For that we would need the real clip point you want.

James Segura
San Francisco, CA


If you offer this to members and advertise it in the rags, I would think that you could sell a good number of them, the Tantos are going strong aren't they?

Clip blade

Gradient anodizing/CF Inlays or Circuit inlays

Very cool

Marion David Poff aka Eye, one can msg me at If I fail to check back with this thread and you want some info, email me.

My site is at: Including my review of the Kasper AFCK, thougths on the AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper.

"We will either find a way, or make one." Hannibal, 210 B.C.

I have been doing some more thinking about this...

What about:

" 2000" engraved on the side, with a piece of circuit board in the 0 of 2000 or something like that??????
I my way to Montreal, I popped in the Thomas Cook money exchange, saw a 1/10 ounce gold liberty coin. just the perfect size for either large or small Sebenza. Only 47.00 dollars for the coin. sure would look good installed.
Just curious how does Chris install a gold coin in the handle of a Sebenza?
Does he cover the coin with a clear epoxy?

I think a coin wouldn't be too bad of an idea...hmmmm what time frame are talking about here? Half a year? A year? Any clue?

Texbaz - the hole where the coins are inlaid are just a little smaller than the coin itself. The coin is epoxied around the outside (i.e. the milled edge) and held in place that way. You can see both sides of the coin if the knife is disassembled.

I want a small size blue anodized Bladeforums exclusive with a fighter style blade and double thumb studs!

Markus Blattner
