Bob Lum Tanto Folder #C46PS is in the AIR!

Nov 16, 1998
Been ordered, will be landing on my step early next week!

I'm sad to report that my Lum Tanto arrived Monday and I am somewhat un-happy with it.

The edges of the Ti handle are not as smooth as I anticipated and the liner is very thin indeed than what I thought it would be. The liner lock rests about 3/4 over on the blade tang and if flicked, almost all the way over to the other side.

The blade is sharp, but not razor sharp.

The Ti handle is a little to plain looking for my liking as well, might have looked a little better if classier rasised Torx screws were used for the assembly other than the flat Phillip head screws. This is just my opinion though, others may dissagree.

What I did like about the knife though was it's weight and tanto blade shape. Looked real nice.

I couldn't see keeping it though for just those two things I liked about it, so it is already in the air on it's way back.

I do know from the past Spyderco Knives that I have come to like much so, Spyderco is a top notch company, but how they let this one slip by I don't know!
