How To Buck 110 ---4 dot Brass Rod diameter?

Nov 2, 2018
Can anyone tell me what diameter of brass rod I need in order to make a new blade, pivot pin on my old Buck 110? Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the Buck forum. Wow, you've been registered since 2018 and this is your first post. There are a few Buck knife manglers that hang out here so hopefully someone will be around to answer your question. If you are "NotSure", you can always measure when you get it apart. We like stories and pictures. What's up?

addendum. The knife has a life time warranty, you might check with Buck first. If it is a warranty repair you are out postage and they can make the knife look like new. That might be a better option for a one time deal if you don't have for example equipment to repolish the bolster after peening in the new pin. I guarantee Buck can do it better. /Roger

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The rod needs to be 1/8 inch diameter.

Removing the old pin can be tricky. Because it is mushroomed, I centerpunch one side and drill (drill press is very handy) with 3/32nds bit about 1/4 inch down. Then use a pin punch to hammer it through the blade and bolster.

The hole in the bolster is slightly larger than 1/8 " to allow for mushrooming of the pin during peening. To finish the bolster after peening, I start with a file to level (haft) the bolster and pin, followed by 200 grit sandpaper working up to 2500 grit. Then use some type of polish like Flitz, Mothers or Simichrome until highly polished.

Good luck. It would be fun to see before and after pics.
Welcome to the Buck forum. Wow, you've been registered since 2018 and this is your first post. There are a few Buck knife manglers that hang out here so hopefully someone will be around to answer your question. If you are "NotSure", you can always measure when you get it apart. We like stories and pictures. What's up?

addendum. The knife has a life time warranty, you might check with Buck first. If it is a warranty repair you are out postage and they can make the knife look like new. That might be a better option for a one time deal if you don't have for example equipment to repolish the bolster after peening in the new pin. I guarantee Buck can do it better. /Roger

Thank you so much for the kind reply. Yes first post and I needed something. How rude of me! I will make it up to you guys.
I had a broken 2 dot 110 finger groove laying around and I shortened the blade to make it "office legal" and I just wasn't happy with on a whim I just tapped the pivot pin out...and jeez it's mangled and not going back in. Have a great night.
The rod needs to be 1/8 inch diameter.

Removing the old pin can be tricky. Because it is mushroomed, I centerpunch one side and drill (drill press is very handy) with 3/32nds bit about 1/4 inch down. Then use a pin punch to hammer it through the blade and bolster.

The hole in the bolster is slightly larger than 1/8 " to allow for mushrooming of the pin during peening. To finish the bolster after peening, I start with a file to level (haft) the bolster and pin, followed by 200 grit sandpaper working up to 2500 grit. Then use some type of polish like Flitz, Mothers or Simichrome until highly polished.

Good luck. It would be fun to see before and after pics.
That's exactly what I needed to know thank you so much. I'll grab pics ASAP. Is there an iPhone app for this forum?
Buck has a Forever Guarantee, even if you are not the origial buyer.
Why not send it to Buck and let them fix it?
An added benifit of sending it to Buck: You don't void the warranty by attempting to fix it yourself. You can also have them sharpen it and upgrade the edge to the EDGE 2000 standard. It will cut and slice much better.
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