Buck on History Channel?

Sorry guys it's been several days since I posted that reply. I though that was the show being reffered to. That teaches me for not looking into in more depth.
For the record, what TLC said is that the show runs 30 minutes on TV. This means that the show is really more like 20 minutes of the 50 on the DVD with the commercials removed.
The Last Confederate said:
I'll assume that was a typo? :p

TLC - My sincere apologies for getting that wrong...I saw the Illinois and never gave it a thought...I have a 21" monitor and still need 800x600 to read anything... :(

(I know some of our Southern brothers take these things pretty seriously; I spent the formative years of my youth in South and North Carolina.)

I just didn't associate "Last" with "Confederate"...whereas "Lost" is entirely appropriate, as General Joe Shelby refused to surrender and led his command to Mexico to fight on behalf of Maximilian [then ruling Mexico]...

In any case, I'm sorry for getting that wrong... :thumbup:
Hi, Trax!!! :)
I finally could go out of the Buck 110 stories' forum (which I strongly recommend to anyone who hasn't been to it), and I found out that you've created a new thread about the program I told you I had seen!!! :o
For those who don't know me, my name's Marina di Marco, I'm a 15 year old girl from Argentina. I watch the program you're lookin for, and gave Chicken Trax the details about it on the other forum.
It's a very well done program, and I think it's a pitty that the History Channel guys can't provide us that particular DVD. Perhaps CJ could do some pressure about it... ;)
Listen, guys. Thanks to my dad's genius, we've recorded the program the day we saw it. :cool: Perhaps we could record it as a DVD and send it to you. We will try to find out about wether this sort of things can be sent internationally, and I'll tell you later on. The only problem would be that it's translated to spanish, not subtitled, but, as my dad says, the images are what matters the most. As the host says things of the sort of "I'm I doing this right?", we can see him pulishing the bolster of a Buck 110. No doubt there's much more to be seen than to be heard! :thumbup:
So, that's our PLAN "B". I hope there's no trouble in doing it! I'll tell you about it as soon as I find out about the mail stuff.
In the meantime, keep on looking for it in English. Is there still any possibility to find it at the History Channel? Keep an eye on it; and, by the way, the program's name, if you guys haven't found it, is HANDS ON HISTORY.
Well, see you soon and good luck in the search!!! :) :) :)
Marcelo di Marco said:
Hi, Trax!!! :)...and, by the way, the program's name, if you guys haven't found it, is HANDS ON HISTORY...

Hello Marcelo/Marina!!! :D

I'm sure your English is better than mine...but is Hands On History the Spanish translation of the English program title??? I don't see anything on the A&E/History Channel site with that [English] name... :(

There is Modern Marvels, which someone up there said was the name of the special up here in North America...

I am still looking, I plan on trying my local DVD/VHS rental place...a long shot, but worth looking...Actually, now I think on it, my local library might have something educational like that... ;)