Bull Nose blade Maxx from Darrel Ralph......

Oct 3, 1998
Read about it and see pics <a href="http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=186092">here</a>
Dexter, does Darrel ever plan on making this style of a knife into an auto version? I think a release button in the pivot pin (like the GT autos) would be very discreet and would not take away from the aesthetics of the knife.
Originally posted by MicroFanatic
Dexter, does Darrel ever plan on making this style of a knife into an auto version? I think a release button in the pivot pin (like the GT autos) would be very discreet and would not take away from the aesthetics of the knife.

MicroFanatic - I am not sure if he has an auto version of the Maxx in the works. Doubt that it'll be anytime soon, I know he's got a lot on his plate now. If he gets enough requests for one he might....but just don't say that I told you to bug him :)
Someone's gotta say it so it may as well be me...that's one ugly knife :p