Bushwacker Mistress. . . . YOWZA!!!!!

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
Here's a chunk of Busse Combat history. . . .

You can see the Straight Handle, Ergo, and Fusion Handle influences. . . .

I really like this design for chopping!!! The rounded butt just rolls in your hand when chopping!!!. . . . And at a scant, near 3/16" thickness, this BM flies like the wind!!!. . . Very Cool ! ! !

Here's a pic of the handle. . . we used Sand Storm G-10 on this old prototype. . . .


Here's a pic of the entire Bushwacker Mistress. . . . This old model reminded us that at one time, we had planned on making a 3/16" thick Mistress!!!! :cool: . . . It is Killer Cool ! ! ! !



Put a TAC butt on it and you've got a bushwhacker fighter!
So Jerry. Is this going to be made available?, what's the blade length?.
Any chance of this being offered in 1/4 inch thickness?.
Thanks man.
That Sandstorm is just too cool on the proto design! (Why, just have Amy charge PG's credit card and send it on out! ;):D)
Wow...thats nice Jerry...when will this be available???

Any chance of having it in a combat grade???
That is f€|£!#g BEAUTIFUL. The best mistress I have seen. I'd LOVE to try out one of those.

Boss...send it here for a test drive. No pics posted, no review for any eyes but yours and your crew's. Seriously.

Fantastic work, sir. Just fantastic! And I don't go nutty over just ANY design.


Now I've just got to know if it's got that obscene swell in the middle of the handle like the fusion handles.

Sign me up for one of those right away in hand shaped black micarta. :D
At that thickness, with that handle, that could very well be the most lust-worthy Battle Mistress I've EVER seen...

ill take one,i dont know how id pay for it but ill take it!!!!!!!very nice jerry!!
Beautiful sabre Bowie...

Now what kinda pattern would machined bushwacker slabs have?