Busse basic #5 in Normark sheath with Firesteel


I recently received my first Busse a Basic #5 in a trade/sale trio

Although it's really my second Busse I still haven't seen or felt my first Busse a Basic #9 that I have at a friends address in the US.

I received Normarks sheath with it and just finished attaching one of Normark's (Eric's) Large Swedisch Military Firesteel holders myself (he send me some extra ones to DIY

Go see the Busse setup at my photopoint folder:

<a href="http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=130364&a=12711058"><img src="http://www.photopoint.com/images/pplogo3.gif" width="88" height="33" border="0" alt=""></a>

Now I have what I feel a very compact package that carries very "flat" (the grip is really "thin" and Normark's sheath is only marginal bigger/thicker then the knife itself.
It also is an combo that combines the two most important tools for a surviavl situation, a rock solid knife and a Firesteel that will start a fire to provide warmth, cook food etc.

If anybody is interested in the firesteel holder/sheath combo contact Normark and if you need a Large firesteel to go with it let me know as our scouting group probably will order 50 "big ones"
in a few weeks time for our scouting group.

Best Scouting wishes from Holland,


Very nice set-up, indeed. Please email the details, cost, timetable, etc. on helping out your Scouting Troop and getting a large FireSteel, or two. Thanks in advance.