CAMPing :)


ǝɹnsıǝן ɟo uɐɯǝןʇuǝb
Feb 28, 2003
no pictures, so y'all just hush now.

went to an intensive 3 day *circus* camp, hosted at a boy scout preserve, lots of fun, learned a lot. a major part of this is fire spinning and related arts. emphasis on fire.

so, we had fire pits. fire tenders. fire pipes (to blow the coals, of course)... and wood but not so much kindling and starter materials.

well, someone thought it was a good idea to use a cheap camp hatchet with a hollow soft steel handle and power it through the wood (mostly oak) with a 2 lb hammer. sometimes beating on the handle. you can imagine the results. ouch.

so, comes along me with a phosphated old skool Becker MachAx (20+ years old i recokon?) and a brand new KaBar TacTool.

i was using the MachAx for the most part, making big logs into shavings, shingles, and stout stick, batoning like a mad thing. one of the performers, an artist colony dancer from oakland wanted to help. she quickly picked up using the TacTool as a fro, and was making strong strides into the art of batoning. well, it's not a circus art, but it's definitely something bushcrafting arts practice. good times.

naturally, the fires started well and good. i think more than a few people took notes on where to find such fine tools :>


(now, in a few days, maybe, someone might post pictures, and i'll copy and host them, but in the meantime, hush ;>)
Cool! But I thought fixed blades were verboten at boyscout functions these days?

And where's da pics?!

we rented the camp, and barring other restrictions, that wasn't one of them. poor boy scouts if true.

no pictures! you are dead to me now ;)

Hey Bladite....

I take it you had fun ?....Hope the weather cooperated....

All Best...

Hey Bladite....
I take it you had fun ?....Hope the weather cooperated....
All Best...

the weather was weatherful. had a lot of fun. got all kinds of exercise. it was awesome.

in one week it's icecream in the woods. less bushcrafting, but much goodness.

in two weeks it's more real camping, bring your own water and food (pemmican too)... more bushcrafting opportunities :)

Becker knives at all events :> course some of those will be "impossible to find" models, just to egg people on ;)

oh, the Hennessey Hammocks will of course be present too. my newest Safari model developed a snag in the no-see-um, and Tom Hennessey is just going to send me a new one (and send old one back). awesome. last weekend, we had at least 4 Hennessey's setup (2 were mine), next weekend, it SHOULD be at least 4, but upwards of 7 :> i infect my friends well :)

Glad you had a good one and as always thanks for spreading the good word!!!

All Best...

Becker knives at all events :> course some of those will be "impossible to find" models, just to egg people on ;)

I didnt say it because you asked us not to...all bets are off now!


he he zombies....oh hunny? we need a new becker, heard about zombies....thanx bladite.