Can I save this leather?


Jun 10, 1999
I threw these sheaths in a drawer years ago now they are somewhat moldy.
Are these salvageable? I pray someone can tell me YES THEY ARE - please offer me any suggestions or experience you may have. :(

Hey Avarageguy,

Just what my common sense tells is to wipe them of with a damp cloth, and then a decent rubbing with some leather conditioner. As far as
I can tell from here, that should do'em a lot of good. (I'm no expert though...)

Good luck!

A wee bit of warm soapy water should take it all off, then wipe down with a damp cloth. Let dry overnight, and a rub down with your favorite leather oil or Kiwi Neutral. Hope this helps!
Wipe with a damp cloth or sponge, then rub saddle soap into the leather. Wipe away the residue and allow the sheats to air dry. Oil the leather with a leather preservative such as mink oil or old fashioned leather grease.
Good luck with those sheaths. I've had several in that condition, that, no matter what chemicals, "lotions and potions" I tried to clean them with, the mold always came back.:mad: That just ain't right somehow.
Use a 50/50 mixture of distilled white vinegar (plain ole vinegar) & water ... wash it down with a soft sponge...let dry overnite ... repeat .... then use some good leather treament ...mink oil, etc.....
You're going to need to kill the mold first. I have heard of people soaking the leather in alcohol first. Yes this will severely dry out the sheath but will kill the mold. Then come back and oil it heavily.

After cleaning, I'd suggest Montana Pitch Blend for the dressing.

It is a mixture of Mink Oil, Beeswax, and Pine rosin. The Beeswax and rosin have a slight natural anti bacterial quality that really helps.

Most of the year, my belt and sheaths are constantly getting soaked with sweat.

I second the saddle soap and Snoseal...personally had good luck with this treatment
wipe them clean ,then put 99 % rubing alcohol all over them this may lighten the dye a little then microwave oven for like 10-15 seconds at a time to dry them then use the mink oil / sealer on them and a trick is to put the sealer on when your sure it is dry. id recomend putting a rag below them in the microwave then nuke it again with the sealer. as said before the alcohol will kill the mold the microwave will helo get the moisture out of the leather in it it will really absorb the sealer and make it difficult for the mold to come back .. good luck on this
Great ideas in here; you should be able to clean those babies up good as new.
Please let us know what works for you. I've got a pair of Redwing boots that sat out in the shed for a year and had the prettiest blue-green mold all over them. :^(