Can the small fixed blade really replace a folder?

The Boker/Nealy is pretty nice. Personally, I would put the money toward a Nealy handmade, though. I have always liked the Pesh Kabz. The point on it is very thick, that was my only gripe. Well, that and the handles were slick (polished G10). I think the handles on the Boker are more secure due to the holes, but its point is thick also. I think Nealys handmade sheaths are much better made, too.

You can get a Kinzahl II, Aikuchi II or Pesh Kabz for $200 or so and as I remember the Boker is $125-150. I would just rather have the original for that much more, though I am sure you will njoy that one.

The Boker is only $53 which is why I just went ahead and bought it on impulse. It also has a 3.5" blade flat ground all the way from edge to spine which I was also looking for. It is 1/8 thick at the spine, a little thicker than I wanted (would prefer 3/32 or even 1/16 because they cut so much better), but I thought I'd take a chance.

Originally posted by Cougar Allen:
I don't understand the convenience argument for folders at all. A real knife is simpler to get out and simpler to put away ... it's even slightly simpler to put the knife sheath and all in my pocket when I get dressed in the morning than to clip on a folder (very slightly, but still).... How is a folder more convenient?

Cougar, while I personally prefer fixed (real knives
), I have to disagree as say that, in my modes of carry (and I've tried pocket, hanging, IWB, OWB, high ride (in and out), and low ride.... all are more cumbersome (i.e. less convenient) than a folder. That being said, I put up with the inconvenience at every opportunity I get, because I prefer "real knives."

I went to and found a fixed blade that is just as short as the handle on some folders, but looks great and appears versatile. It is the T.O.P.S. Wolf Pup. Any opinions on this knife would be great. Also comes with a custom molded sheath made of Kydex with a metal pocket clip. Great price too. Lifetime warranty as well.
xray, hate to say it, but do a search. Someone reviewed the Wolf Pup a few months ago. Best I remember, they liked it, but mentioned something about needing to be careful near the base of the blade to keep from cutting self, becaues of the design. Try searching, probably in this forum, for "wolf pup".

My job requires me to pass through metal detectors several times a day, which means that whatever I carry gets to be seen by the law-enforcement types manning the m.d.'s. Even though in my state, Texas, it is "legal" to carry a fixed-blade knife with a blade length of under 5 1/2 inches, any fixed-blade knife or large folder would not be permitted through. As I agree with a prior comment that a knife is more useful on one's person, rather than home on the dresser, I carry two small folding knives that clip inside the waistband of my suit: one a CRKT KISS and the other a knock-of which also has a cigar cutter (and, as I am a cigar smoker, this explains TWO knives without raising eyebrows. I carry the KISS 'cause, after losing several more expensive knives through the years, I usually carry only what I can easily replace. If I had my 'druthers, I'd carry a larger folder, like a Cold Steel San Mai folder, my Benchmade Tanto, or a folding REKAT tanto.
After carrying and trying some more the Perkins Littlewing mentioed above makes a great gentleman's knife, but is to small for my primary carry. That is a neat little knife. I still think the IWB static cord setup is the relative best for mr, but not as secure as I wish. Just think, it's kinda just tucked in there. Can you depend on it being in the same place if you get attacked? I am going to have to make a couple more Kydex rigs and post again on here. Any other comments are welcome.
