Can this destroy America?

I will store that one for future use..... Kinda burns the whole thread now doesn't it? :eek: :D :D :p that's great, once again legend has sucumbed to fact .....
According to, the Constitution was not originally written in German. (It didn't seem to remark on whether it was translated, distributed, etc.)

However, if you check out old cemetaries in Iowa, Wis., Minn., you'll probably see some headstones written in German, depending on the community. This practice ended, as you might guess, early in the 1900's. German WAS spoken in homes and communities.

Distrust and even hatred of recent immigrants is nothing new. When waves of German, Italian, and Irish immigrants came in, the people already here very upset the these dirty newcomers would disrupt the status quo. And now the descendants of those same immigrants are part of the status quo.

Of course, this has nothing to do with massive illegal immigrants.
There was a very sad tragedy here in the valley this week. A family lost 4 children in a fast moving fire in their home. Only the father, mother and 2year old child survived. In interviewing the family the parents spoke no English and had to be interpreted for those of us non Spanish speaking ones. So the question in the back of the mind is were they even here legally. Doesn't change the tragecy in my mind at all. The family just lost 4 children and are devastated as you and I would be also.

Yes, we are all related and again I submit that we should love everyone as we love ourselves. I couldn't even tell my daughter this news without crying and I'm crying now just typing it. But the fact remains, they are people and are missing 4 of the most precious posessions they had. Sad, very sad.
I as a German literature and History-teacher know it is a legend. - However a very stubborn one. Guess it is German pride to have participated in the founding of the US is the source. Have you heared the story about General von Steuben signing orders with O.K. for "all correct"? (I also heared that it might say 0 (zero) casualties). There were some Germans fighting in the war of independence - on both sides as there were Americans of German decent on the one and soldiers from Hessen-Kassel (a German province at the time with close relations to the English king) fighting for the British. A lot of soldiers were "sold" by their German dukes or other nobility to the British - some in South Africa, some in Asia, some in that colony that shoulöd be the USA...
The original post has some interesting thoughts - but I do not follow the inherent conclusions.
