Caribbean Blue Carbide Edge Frickie! DFK Clip (Sold)

Thanks guys! I have had some umm... technical issues with my computer.

I thought it was the Swiss who started the hole thing? I'm pretty sure.

Any time I think of holes in a knife it is the 1980's classic Tekna dive knife or old school Balisongs. They also remind me of hot-rods, back in the day we would drill them up for weight savings. No carpet either! :D The Tekna dive knife is a favorite of mine. Mayo and Carson sure do bring it!
I loved that Tekna knife! Make a shadow version, Daniel!! :)

I had one as a kid and wore it everywhere! lol The big holes in the handle were the coolest along with the sheath. I found out Tekna still makes them too, they make nice gear.
Still make them?? Cool! Gotta go look.
'Ow bout a chisel grind dagger, Daniel?