"Carl's Lounge" (Off-Topic Discussion, Traditional Knife "Tales & Vignettes")

Tylenol or advil (ibuprofen) has been mentioned quite a bit above. One thing to keep in mind is that Ibuprofen is among other things a blood thinner while Tylenol is not. That's one reason doctors/hospitals take you off Ibuprofen before most types of surgeries.

Anyway the wife and I have both had both shots. The wife was a little sick and had a sore arm the day after the shot but recovered the second day.
We had a warm (70°F), windy day today. I drove by the boat launch near our house this afternoon and I was surprised to see that the wind had blown a bunch of ice from the lake up against the shore and quite a ways up the ramp. I’m sure it’s not an unheard of occurrence, but I certainly haven’t seen this before in the few years that we’ve lived here.


Congrats on the love triangle with you, cardinals, and your tree, and congrats on the second COVID shot! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:
My guess is that IF you're going to feel bad from the shot, tomorrow would be the day.
- GT
That's what I hear, and my impression is that the "if" is smaller with the Pfizer. Fingers crossed though, because tomorrow I get to play in the dirt at the CSAg farm.
It is that day to not believe anything you see on the Internet. Not quite sure how that is different from the other 364 days, though...
Is that what "hypervoting" is? I just saw it all over the front page of imgur. Not at all clear what it is, though. These kids and their computers.
It's April Fool's too, isn't it?

Twenty three and a half hours since my Pfizer 2, and I feel pretty good. The shoulder ache is even somewhat diminished. I feel like a nap, but it's not like that never happens.