Carson Coolness

Oct 2, 2000
I can't begin to tell you what a sweet piece this is. It is nothing short of badass. What makes it even cooler is the story of the making,,it took a while. Maybe Kit will comment on it.

Jody Carson, heat treated by Kit Carson. Overall, about 13 3/4" with a 7" cutting edge, 440C with 416 Stainless bolsters, fileworked all the way around, CF scales.

Phillip :)



That sure isn't something you see everyday. I like it, but it kind of scares me.
Kyle Fuglesten
Damn thats cool, I've got some sapplings around that need some trimming .... :) - Charles
Now. . .that would make an interesting EDC ! :D

As soon as I saw that, the first thing that came to mind was the movie Pulp Fiction. . .where Ving Rhames tells Bruce Willis. . .that he's gonna get "medieval" on the one guys a$$. :D

I never knew that Kit had a medieval side. ;)

Cool piece !
I remember seeing and talking to Kit about this piece. I don't know if I remember the details 100% correct, but I'll give it a try.

Jody begain making this knife several years ago. He did the grinding and all the filework. Shortly after that was finished, Jody had a bad motorcycle accident and was not able to finish the knife. Not too long ago, Kit fond the piece in the shop and add the handle, sharpened it, and cleaned it up.

If I missed anything, maybe Kit will come through here and clarify.

I like it kind of Funky ! not the everyday camp looking ax there . the filework gives it a attitude .:)