Case Pass Around #37(ish)


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2023
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends!

This is a great opportunity to get to check out a bunch of patterns and cover materials. I certainly had a lot of fun this evening while going through it all.

This is what the side'o'beef sent my way:

*A couple peanuts for you nuts out there.
*One small pen(ish) pattern but it has two springs. Blades are open in the pic.
*The Baby butter bean 🫘🫘🫘
*Small toothpick for your dental needs
*That Abalone feller with bail and chain that's been floating around. Small clip and scissors. Pretty neat
*Wharnie trapper in Hipster veggie juice green
*Small Stockman in some really pretty blue bone!
*The sweetest smooth redbone #18 stockman. It's a beauty and the action is awesome.
*Two medium Jacks, one synthetic black and one from the 70s in jigged bone. Clips and pen blades.
*#47 stockman in some sort of greenish, burntish, putridish jigged bone (looks good just hard to describe)
*White copper lock
*An absolutely fabulous 1970s jigged bone slimline trapper.

What am I scooping up? I really like the putrid bone #47! Interesting how they redesigned the stockman so they didn't have to worry about crinking blades. It's a nice size and I really like it. Plus that bone is good stuff.

I'm also taking the white copper lock. This poor bugger has been riding in here so long that the blue from the knife case is rubbing off onto the covers! It needs a home.

I almost went for that slimline trapper but I'd be better suited with one I wouldn't feel bad about using. It's older and too nice.

Here are my additions!

A Bonestag russlock. Very attractive and functional knife. Interesting pattern with gorgeous covers.

The Mulberry Canoe. I'm just not a canoe guy. I tried it, it's fine and everything but it's time for it to go to someone who likes the pattern.

Next up will be the rules for the pass around drawing.

*I will randomly draw a winner and send the box to them.
*They will choose two, three, or however many knives.
*They will replace the knives with some of their own (Case Knives Only).
*They will hold their own drawing and pass the box on to the next person.

*Porch Members Only!
*Must have over 50 posts in the Traditional Knife Forum.
*Must be a paying member of Bladeforums.
*These rules must follow the box every time or John will call foul.

If you would like to be entered in the next drawing please reply to this thread and let me know. I will let this run until next week with a few bumps and then use an internet random wheel of fortune gizmo to draw the winner!
Time to bump this up!! Come on everyone look at all the goodies in this box. You know you want to get in on this. Maybe for the second or third time even.

Above is the picture of the Russlock and Canoe I've included but I just wanted to show off a few others that I really like!

Look at this awesome green color on the Wharnie trapper!

This #18 is just sweet all around. Great action and super pretty bone. I don't know if it chestnut or dark red or rust brown but whatever it is... Man it's nice.

1970s slim trapper with good action, centering and just good looking bone.

Cool little bone butter bean

Another awesome color! Very Blue

This thing just explodes in the light! Very cool Abalone covers.

I'm going to try to run this till Wednesday to give people a chance to get in on it!
Bump again! Anyone interested let me know.

I guess if we get to tomorrow with no takers, then we will have to figure out what to do with this thing.
Hey everyone!

If you want to get in on this, let it be known. Last chance before I guess we gotta figure out what to do here.

JohnDF JohnDF what say you???

John hasn't been seen since mid February according to his profile. Does anyone know him?
I've never actually tried/held a russlock. Should I ask for the package back so I can swap a single knife? Probably a bit wasteful....
I’ll enter if you decide to rerun it, I was keeping an eye out but I didn’t see this thread pop up so I assumed it was between runs. I’ve acquired quite a few case knives in the last few months!
I've never actually tried/held a russlock. Should I ask for the package back so I can swap a single knife? Probably a bit wasteful....
They are surprisingly fidgety for a traditional. All of mine have had a looong build up pushing on the- flipper?- until it finally catches spring tension and snaps open the last little bit. Closing it is the same thing in reverse but the long thin blade just feels cool falling into place.
I’ll enter if you decide to rerun it, I was keeping an eye out but I didn’t see this thread pop up so I assumed it was between runs. I’ve acquired quite a few case knives in the last few months!
Looks like we have the next winner of the Case Pass around drawing!

Thanks Fuzzy, send me a pm with your details and I'll get it shipped out to you.
If it ever runs dry, just send it back to me.
You can message me for my address, or my buddy Todd can text me.
I’ve received and started looking through the box, lots of cool knives in this thing! I’m going to write up the next thread tomorrow and get the next round started. I’m hoping this can take off again with a bit more gusto!
I love that this is still going and there are some very very cool Case knives being exchanged with other members... my original intent. 🤠 :thumbsup: