Ceramic rod question?

Apr 25, 2001
I have a large ceramic I use at home,but I dont really have a good small one.Can anyone suggest a place to get a small rod say one that would fit in a front pouch?Thanks in advance.
Since big ceramic rods are pretty common in kitchen supply stores and short pocket ones seem to be pretty rare, it is probably easier to just get a long one and shorten it to meet your needs.

Mark the long ceramic rod to the length you want the finished short one to be, then do one of the following:
1. break it off with a hammer & cold chisel (or a Busse :D )
2. cut it off with a carbide wheel or diamond blade
3. cut it with a carbide grit saw blade
4. score it around the perimeter with a file & snap it with your fingers
5. take it to a lab & have them cut it with a laser
Wait don't break it yet! I have few extra small ceramics. I gave one to Climber, who is the forumite who named the Satin Jack, and he loves his. Email me at Cyclebiker@hotmail.com and you can have one of my extras.