charge for 83 bucks...

Oct 28, 2005
I was just at the website, and i typed in leatherman charge. It poped up but no price. So i added it to the cart to check the price,.. 77.83 plus shipping brought it to 83.95 or sumthing like that.. under 90 bucks fer a charge. Pretty good deal because i never see them under 99 dollars on line and i never see them in stores.
I think you'll find you can get them on eBay for around $70. I snagged mine for $65.
Thank you!

I hate hunting on eBay so I was planning on buying a Charge from Knife Outlet for 90 bucks. I was going to order it tomorrow, so you saved me some money.
RickG55 said:
I think you'll find you can get them on eBay for around $70. I snagged mine for $65.

Okay, got mine for $60 at Sharper Image. Thanks to a tip on these very forums last summer, I found Charges being closed out at $80, minus a $20
web-posted coupon.

BladeForums rocks!!!
It doesn't say which sheath it comes with, but mine is due to arrive on Tuesday and I will make a posting saying which sheath was included.
Big Philly 1,

Thanks for the heads up.

I ordered this last week, site to shop, and picked it up today.


The sheath that came with mine is leather.
Received mine(Charge Ti) from Wal-Mart total a little less than $90.00 not bad but it came with a leather sheath! I was hoping for their nylon sheath!