Check Out This Extremely Limited, One-Time Run of the "ANOREXIC BADGER"!!!!

Eye candy (n.): The reason why men go to beaches. What is contained in most string bikinis. The contents of those magazines that you cannot see the whole cover of at the store.

Busse eye candy (n.): What INFIhogs have in their hands, cars, safes, trunks, and on their minds at all waking moments.

Duh! ;) :p

Originally posted by BillyJoeBob
Eye candy (n.): The reason why men go to beaches. What is contained in most string bikinis. The contents of those magazines that you cannot see the whole cover of at the store.

Busse eye candy (n.): What INFIhogs have in their hands, cars, safes, trunks, and on their minds at all waking moments.

Duh! ;) :p


When you put it like that I'd rather have Eye Candy :D :D
Originally posted by Jerry Busse on 02-27-03
There will be a mass email concerning this offering. I will post an announcement on this forum as well as the Busse Combat website forum that will act as the "START" button for ordering sometime within the next 10 days . I will give you a more precise time as the moment nears.

HA! HA! HA! HA! Ten days! Alright Jerry, tell us another one! :D :D :D :D
On the other hand compared to 2-3 years I am waiting for some of the ther Busses this isn't that long ;)
Jerry, may be you could elaborate please?
And all of our hard Death Chatting was for naught. I think Jerry just want to forget the defeat he suffered that night. :D
Jerry said something to me awhile ago about introducing the Anorexic Badger. But he didn't tell me that he was going to introduce it in 2 different versions!!!! I knew I should've looked at this thread a long time ago!

A secret someone(you know who you are;) ) called today and told me about this! Thank you for the heads up!! Now I know what to expect, THANKS ALOT JERRY!!!!

If you're ever watching the news and they say that there is a new world record! "Youngest woman in the world has a heart attack, 21 years old!!!" THAT'S ME!! LOL!!!:D

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!!;) ;) ;)

Sorry guys, I've been busy grinding out Gator97's custom orders. . . . I'll stop where I'm at and get on this project!!! Sorry Zvi !!! ;)

Please be patient. . . . it'll be about 2 weeks!

Blade Babe has a long line of guys who would resuscitate her--not that
she needs it....

She definitely has job security with all the blades heading out of the shop...

I am watching for the new offers from Jerry & Co. I know what I am
working for--until I hit the lottery or until Jerry adopts me(equal odds, I imagine...)

thanks again,

Originally posted by Jerry Busse
Sorry guys, I've been busy grinding out Gator97's custom orders. . . . I'll stop where I'm at and get on this project!!! Sorry Zvi !!! ;)

Please be patient. . . . it'll be about 2 weeks!

My god :) Never meant to delay anorexics...
THanks for the good news ;) So, 2 weeks till slim badgers arrive? Hope my new camers arrives too :D
What's the target price range -- ballbark is fine.

I'm torn between waiting for one of these and just buying a Dozier Pro Guides knife.

I don't recall anyone (Jerry) saying. Hopefully the shop (Jerry) is staying abreast of this thread and someone (Jerry) will respond soon...:D