Christmas Gift Exchange

JK Knives

Mar 6, 2001
I’m going to post this now, and close entries on October 15th. I’m going to limit it to people in the USA only. That will give plenty of time to sign up. When you do sign up, email me with your name, address, and forum name!
Email is
I have received replies from the following:

1066vik X
bikerector X
F1addict X
macbeth 33 X
cbsch8tw X
joeldworkin307 X
fishiker X
glennbad X
Rob Babcock X
Simplejack X
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hope people like a side of rum-a-licious xmas mince meat with their steel


I guess the rum is to keep it safe until it is opened near Christmas. But it is not a good idea to eat rum infused meat unless you have a belt keeping you tied to the stationary chair, so as not to fall off!

All kidding aside, the gift exchange is a lot of fun, we usually give a few ideas of what we are interested in, passed along to someone willing to organize the thing and sent to us once we know who we have to shop for. I mentioned I like history, so I received some nice local history information where my secret Santa lived, a lot of nice Buck products, and some dips and jams. Really cool and unexpected items that made the whole thing fun, we have nice and generous people here. It really brought many smiles to my face.
while everyone should be into rum enhanced fruit mince, I'd appreciate hearing what other things people are into :)

(I'll check last years thread out too)

it's been real nice planning for holiday gift giving early this year, since the beginning of august I think it's been;

this is going to be fun!

p.s. I'm interested in axes, hatchets and hawks, especially carving hatchets and Northern European axes (Finnish, etc). Their use, history and care and maintenance.

Traditional knives also always make me smile, both in the "flesh" and learning about their history/patterns. Big fan of traditional French regional folding knives, Spanish, etc,; region-specific traditional knives in general.

And always enjoy books about wildlife, forestry, carving (masks in particular), First Nations art... books generally are fun.

If it's any idea of my preferences, right now (for pleasure) I'm reading Larrin's Knife Engineering (morning coffee reading) and an old book by Sven Hedin called My Life As An Explorer (bedtime reading).

Someday I want to finally get around to reading the early cutlery related classics, such as stuff written by "Nessmuk" and Kephart.
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By October 15th I expect everyone in this to post what they are interested in, then within a couple of days after I will email everyone with who’s name they got. That will give everyone plenty of time to find those perfect gifts.
I have an inveterate tool habit.
Knives are part of it.
Fixed, folder, modern, traditional - they're all good on some level.

My hobbies include collecting hobbies, historical reenactment, hema, camping/Bushcraft, reading, and making things.
By October 15th I expect everyone in this to post what they are interested in..........

It's probably a given that I like knives. I don't have a particular style. I like fixed blades and folders both modern or traditional. It might be easier to say I don't care for knives with combo edges, waved opening, or made in China. I also like axes and hatchets especially vintage. My fishing covers a wide spectrum from a 1wt fly rod for native trout in streams I can jump across to my 13ft heaver throwing "eight and bait" into the ocean. I love to read when I have the time and spend a fair amount of time hiking and camping. I'm a gear/gadget junkie and prefer quality over quantity.
I like camping, hiking, knives, and I have an inkling to get back into hunting finally after a decade or so off after moving to cities for school and work, particularly bow hunting since it's quite. Cycling is another passion of mine, right up there with knives. At this point, shop gear or tools are something I've been scrounging up a lot too.

I also like doing things outside with my toddler who will be 2 shortly after Christmas and is a pretty astute hiker already, often outpacing his mamma and papa, LOL. He'll easily walk several miles of trails on his own before we have to pick him up.

Lastly, I like to try new EDC gear like organizers, lights, pens, and sheaths that allow a little fixed blade and other stuff. Gloves and hats get mixed in there as well, the hat makes a nice pocket dump spot for me when I get to wear I'm going.
I like knives (of course), traditionals, small fixed blades, history, camping, reading (like Tom Clancy, and foreign policy), animal figurines or wood carvings, leather work like pocket slips, foreign coins and currency for neat designs. I like coffee table books just to have fun to look through, such as trains, and of course coffee (to drink not look at unless cool stories :p), wine ( gift cards work). I also like jams, nuts, and cheese and crackers....I like to snack. Hope this helps.