Click here to see some Magic!

Sep 23, 1999

Sorry, but I can't post pics from Photopoint anymore. You'll have to read the speck and click on the link Below. I call the knife my Magic Knot Knife, or Magic for short.

Here's the specs. 1/8" 440-C. Flat ground, hand sanded to 320 grit. About 4" blade. The handle is polished green G-10. The cord is a cord I call a Magic Knot. My girlfriend makes them and she won't tell me how. She isn't sure how it works either, but she just starts tying the cord and it magically appears. I ground a 1" wide, 1'8" deep (approx.) channel around the handle and tied the cord in there using Running Dog's under wrap method. Then I coated the cord with superglue to keep the dirt out.

I liek the cord there for 2 reasons. 1) it adds COLOR to a knife, which I find attractive and important. I was going for a dressy, gent's type of fixed blade and I thought enough of this blactical (black/tactical) stuff! And I like the solid color handle and multi-shaded wrap. And 2) it actually adds to the grip. The pinky and ring fingers grip the wrapped area which is only slightly raised above the level of the G-10. The wrap makes the hold on the knife quite secure, in my opinion.

The pins I made as well.

This knife was also my first sale ever! That made me very happy. This is the fifth knife I have ever made and I think when MadDog2020 gets his knife he'll like it.

Thanks go out to Bob Engnath for the knife design (I modified a Bob E. design), Allen Blade for making a flat grinding video which has been very helpful, Strider Knives for getting me interested in wraps, Running Dog Knives for showing me wrapping techniques on your web site, Neil Blackwood whose designs and use of color has been inspirational, Jerry Hossom for artistic influence and Trace Rinaldi for his design influence.

Click Here to see some Magic!
Well done Cray! It's nice to see a unique design. You may be on to something there with yours. Now about this "Blactical" thing....:)

King of Blactical
Looks good to me! I bet it would be a handy little field utility blade.
Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate them.

Hugh: Alberta is a pretty big place. I'll send the Blactical customers your way if you send the more colorful ones mine! :)
Hey Karl, nice work and congratz on your first Sale, Ray should love it.

But, why is it you can't post the pic?


Let's try this, there's more than one way to skin a cat. ;)

Maybe it's the same reason you can't post the pic:p


I know that I have told you this before but that knife is a real beauty!! It certainly has a unique look that is definitely a "Crayola" knife! Keep up the good work.
Great looking knife Cray. Bout time you got around to showing everybody. There is a cure for "blactical". Its called green linen micarta.;)
Thanks for the tip Sylvester.

Phil: I'll have to talk to you about posting pics! I did everything the way I have always done it but the pic just didn't show. You're the pic man Phil! I'll stick to grinding.
Hey, ya want some Magic how about this?


Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
The bad news is that Ray's little girl is expecting a box of crayons with the knife....ahhhh, the BIG BOX! :D
Lookin' GOOD!!

Now get back out in the shop and make some more :)

Congratulations on a fine knife.

OK Neil! I'll be out in the shop in 20 minutes! I have heard back from the new owner. The knife hasn't broken and works well in the kitchen! And I got some good fedback on what I can do to improve. More Magic to come soon...