Cold Steel Latin Machete Sheath 24"

May 17, 2006
I've seen two different types of sheaths available for this machete. One has pouches sewn on and the other doesn't. Anyone have an idea of which one is better quality? I would just make my own but considering both types of sheaths are about $10 I think I'll just buy one.
Sorry but at a whole $10, I don't think quality is even an issue.Dave:rolleyes:

True. I kinda figured that. Just thought I'd see if anyone had any experience with either of them. I pulled the trigger on an ebay one that I think will work. I was mainly concerned that both sides of the sheath have rivets since I sharpened the back of my machete and I didn't want it to slice through. I kinda answered my own question in a way. :D
Why did you sharpen the back of your machete?:confused:

Kind of an experiment really. The whole back isn't sharpened, only the front 9 inches or so. When I am clearing out the vines and thorn bushes around my deer stand, The blade often gets tangled in the cutt-offs from swinging and I thought that having a little bit of sharpened blade on both sides might help eliminate that. Like I said, its just an experiment. If it does no discernable good, I'll probably grind it off. I've thought about making a custom machete but I wanted to try a few things out on the cheapy one first. We'll see.
Hey bro

if you sharpened both sides you really need to make youself a kydex rig for it

shoot me a pm and I can go over the process with ya