Recommendation? Coming Up on December, Where is the ATR 2?

Mar 2, 2003
Ok! seems like the year is almost gone and still no ATR 2. I received a reply a few weeks ago from Mr. Glesser and was told that Spyderco was receiving small numbers per month around 100 and when they had enough would start sending them out.

Ok! Seems like that could go into next year or beyond. Most Sprint runs are like 1200 so seems like 100 a month and it may be awhile. I know the ATR 2 is suppose to be full production so do you need to high numbers like 1200 on say a sprint run to send them out to distributors?

I just wish the communication on this knife were much better. I know there is a few Guys that want this knife and have set funds aside for it. So a time frame in which we can expect this knife should be put out unless it is business secret or something. So my recommendation is for better communication from Spyderco to the customers Please!!!!!
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