Compared cpmD2 para and S30v para?.


May 2, 2008
Whats the diffrence between the two?.
Except obviously one being stainless.
Ive just ordered a D2 and was wondering how hard it is to sharpen etc and what its pluses are over S30v which is a steel i know well but i have zero experince with D2 never mind the cpm version.
I didnt even last untill the camo version was out i promised i wouldnt buy another blade untill the new sage is out but the spider bug bit again.
Living in the UK the 25% drop in our money to the dollar has been hard to take but i needed a plain edge folder and im hoping i will be glad i never waited.
The D2 para is the one to have out the two IMO, I like the green G-10 a whole lot more than the black on the S30V knife too.

D2 is fairly easy to sharpen and keeps a good edge for a while, for what i use it for any way.
Its one of those nearly stainless carbon steels, Iv had no problems with rust here in Taiwan or back home though.

Its a great knife, you made a good choice :thumbup: