completely irrelevant post

Originally posted by hogman
guess we ohioans have a sense of humor.

BTW bladewswinger, do u know the general ohio law for balis? Ive heard they are legal to own and sell but illegal to carry.

I'm from Ohio;) .

Although the local law varies, as long as you carry your balisong in a sheath and not concealed you are legal.:cool:
Thanx for the info Chung San.

Originally posted by Cannabish:
Does anyone know what kind of bass (or basses) Clay has?

Clay mainly plays yamaha 6 strings. I forget whether he plays rbx's or trb's. If u wanna see some killer basses go to, and remember, POLKA LIVES ON !
Played some Fishbone tunes on a '69 Fender Mustang (the real thing, not the re-issue :D ). And ...

Mrs. Hooper, my glue tastes funny!
Norwood fisher is the man.

Do i spy a Ralph Wiggum (from Simpsons) qoute?

I just realized i shouldn't be an English major if i hate writing essays.

Hey chuck that tuba is even more of a chick magnet than the case knife.
Of course, for real bass, you need a tuba.

Ever wonder why the sun comes up during the day, when it would be much more useful at night?
Another bad day on the beans... :)
This one really rocked me, can't beat explosions for pure fun:)

(Btw, manwoman is a cool/interesting dude)
Originally posted by Duck
Lit a match in the ole outhouse eh Jonas
Little known fact: Franky Yankovic's old drummer now runs a child-care center in Wisconsin. How do I know that? I help maintain his computers :D

Hogman: Victor Wooton is not just a great bass player. He is the undisputed, worlds greatest, grand-pooh-bah of all bass players. He's so amazing, that it was once believed that he was not a human at all, but a bass-playing cyborg. I saw him in concert (with the rest of Bela Fleck) about a month ago and I'm still feelin' the groove. :cool:

And this is for everyone who is trying to "master" a certain trick. Remember that just because you can do something 1,153 times in a row, doesn't mean that try number 1,154 won't slice your hand open. :p

Hey, 2Sharp, that's quite a nice manipulation there.

For movies and such, they sometimes coat blades with a powder containing flint and magnesium dust. It makes a shower of sparks when the blades hit, very dramatic. But, I think that coating the handles of your balisong with nitroglycerin was going just a bit to far.
Lol, i'll be more careful next time :D

Thanks for sharing that information, i've wondered about that a lot.

Originally posted by Gollnick
Hey, 2Sharp, that's quite a nice manipulation there.

For movies and such, they sometimes coat blades with a powder containing flint and magnesium dust. It makes a shower of sparks when the blades hit, very dramatic. But, I think that coating the handles of your balisong with nitroglycerin was going just a bit to far.
I just ate half of a liverwurst sandwich. I plan on eating the other half later this afternoon.
I'm a purist... nothing but a roll, liverwurst and little love. And as an update, I snuck 2 bites from the other half of the sandwich and had some diet coke. If you have any questions regarding how much I enjoyed the sandwich, or if the diet coke was from a can, bottle, or cup, feel free to email me.
Does anyone know the narrator in the beginning of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" was none other than John Laroquette?
HHmmmmm of topic eh?
My mom gt Excalbur from Italy. It is almost a whole.......6in long.:p
Oh yeah I have now taught my new girlfreind how to open a bali with one hand and taught my sister the backhand.
Yesterday was me and my Girl's 1 month anniversery. This has been te longest with one girl in a half a year.
Oh yeah looky I had fun this weekend!! Sorry I know it's off topic but so is this post.:D


Happy Me.