Cord wrap issue

Oct 20, 2000
I notice that Strider knives are basically cord wrapped.

I have learnt that in certain conditions, cord has a distinct advantage.

Is cord wrap an essential part of Strider knives? Or is it a statement about its character?

Make Love your strongest weapon. Compassion your shield and forgiveness your armour.
All I have to say is that STRIDER's cord wrap really works. It provides a great grip material with just enough give a to feel very secure while not mushy at all. It is by far the most confortable knife handle material in use that I have used bar none. The diamond cross section lines the knife's cutting up in the most advantageous position for cutting, for me at lease.

You really have to give it a try for yourself.

Later, Jim

[This message has been edited by KNIFE THROWER (edited 06-15-2001).]
We will and do work with other materials, however, for field use we find our cord wrap to be excellent for many reasons. No disrespect to other materials though, an old quote says "there's an ass for every seat"
All the best,
Duane Dwyer