Cord wrapping

Oct 7, 1998
I'm currently wrapping everything from swords to billy clubs based on the patterns in Hervey Garrett Smiths great classic book "The marlinspike Sailor" A steal for $15
I have a couple questions for anybody that uses these patterns for wrapping.
When using a cockscomb.. Do you put the cockscomb (raised part) up or down?
The book shows a 6 strand Coachwhipping but mentions the 4 strand shows what's under the wrap. That sounds interesting.
Anybody use the 4 strand coach whip?
Any tips of any kind on these patterns appreciated.
Also a good material that can be wrapped and shrunk before finishing is something I'd like to try.
Can't believe this knot knut didn't know about that great book! Thanks for the headsup, that baby is in my list - with a birthday coming up soon too. :D

Wish I could help with your question, but I can't.

Hi Dave
If you love knots and knives you have to own this book. be careful Hervey Garrett Smith wrote a couple books.
The marlinspike sailor is the one you want. It's bigger with clear illustrations.
A turks head looks super nice as a hilt on a plain wood handled tanto utility knife
Several great handle wraps - nice braided mat to display your knives at a show. Most of the fancy knotwork of the old sailors can be duplicated in miniature for real nice lanyards. Starting at the eye splice to attach it.
I made one with a miniature monkeys fist ball for a lanyard pull for a folder. It's nice
The grand dabby of all is the classic bell rope in the book. No more drop gorgeous piece of knotwork can ever adorn a knife if you tie that as a lanyard pull.
Something you can tie while watching tv that will stun the customers.
Tom you and I are definately sharing the same wavelength here! I have several - minor understatement... ;) - books on knots and am ashamed to admit this is one I've never heard of. It's on its way to me now.

I've been looking for a good distinctive lanyard for a long time. I've wanted to try the Monkey's Fist but could not figure out how to deal with the "loose" end... I take it this is how the Eye Splice comes into play? One end spliced through the tang, the other forms the knot?

I'll have to go looking for the bell pull in books I have now. I can't place it mentally but I think I'd better learn it!

Do you have any pics you'd be willing to share? If you don't want to post here you could sure send them to me personally, just email using the button at the bottom of this post.

Man, I never thought of making mats to display the knives but that would be great, especially for those knives with obvious rope work.

This is a good thread, too bad you haven't had your question answered. If you haven't already you might consider some of the various forums at CKD. Lot of very knowledgeable folks there too, and not a lot of crossover from here.
Monkeys fist is easy, couple whips make it look sleek. Good pics. There's several nice decorative type knob knots good for lanyards.
One thing I've noticed about lanyards. They draw a lot of attention at show tables. Isn't that what it's all about.
Every guy that you can get to pick up a knife... you know.
It all helps. Keep them at the table because they might not get back if it's a big show.
Good one Mike, thanks! Yeah, nice knot work would really stand out on a knife, it would be unusual - most of it is very minimal. Thanks!
