Corvid for scruff's dinner!

Jan 14, 2010
Went out for the first real bit of shooty shooty I've had all year today.

Spam and Ratbag were in attendance, and there was some serious work to be done for one of the permissions we shoot on, Brancher despatching! I think we made it at just the right time, give it a couple more weeks and these fellows would have been the bane of more than just one farmer in the area.


This was our first showing, give or take a couple that landed irretrievably in some heavy Holly and Bramble thickets.

Went and blotted a few more after a once around the perimeter of the permission. Spam, was massively distracted by a smoking hot dog walker!

Ratbag had to split so we dropped him off on our way up to the second permission. Sadly this had been decimated by mixy last year so there were next to no bunnies to be seen. The hares however were in to double figures. They are full of wiles around these parts though and you don't get much of a chance to shoot them. I had one in my sites for a shot, but I felt a bit unstable so held off. It was well within range though and didn't seem to know what it was doing.

The farmer (senior) collared me and proceeded to chat to me for a 25 minutes whilst Spam was larking about. The hare problem has actually become quite a severe here now, they are decimating the first growth of what ever arable crops they grow.

The buggers eat the sweet central shoot out, meaning that any second growth is too green and under developed once harvest comes around. So we will have to make a more concerted effort to help thin the numbers here.

Its been a smashing weekend, and we really couldn't have asked for better weather for shooting. Thanks again to my buddies Spam and Ratbag
Young branchers like these have not fully fledged and have not developed the unhealthy diet their parents have!

As such they're quite safe...well at least they've not done me any harm