Could use some good vibes

Terry M.

Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2006
Here comes diarrhea of the mouth. Please forgive, I just need to vent:
My wife’s health is not very good. We’ve been to The Mayo Clinic a couple times now and there just isn’t much they can do for her. She’s going to live in constant pain for the rest of her life. She’s told me numerous times that she’s done. She doesn’t want to live like this anymore. It‘s like a kick to the stomach for me. I can’t do anything for her other than to tell her I love her and be with her.

My 22 year old daughter is on the autism spectrum and has severe OCD. It‘s a handful for her to keep from melting down and having panic attacks. It’s also a handful to deal with seeing as how my wife has her own issues and is unable to help much. I’m my daughter’s “person” and if I’m not around to calm her down all Hell breaks loose.

My dad is 82 and misses my mom so much (almost four years passed) that he attempted suicide last night. I was at the hospital until 2 am with him. I sit here this morning after calling in to work awaiting a return call from the nurse to see exactly what his condition is. You can’t just show up to visit a person who’s attempted suicide willy nilly. There are rules. Trust me my wife has attempted suicide more times than I can count. I’m an expert here folks.

So here I sit. Trying to keep my mind from racing. Trying to take my mind off EVERYTHING. That’s why I love this forum and you all mean so much to me. For me, it’s an escape from reality. I sure could use some good vibes though. I’ve been questioning my faith A LOT here recently and I’m not sure what I believe anymore. If you send prayers, that’s totally fine, I’ll take whatever good juju, vibes and prayers that I can.

Thank you all for being here, for making this such a great release.
I am so sorry to hear about your pain and struggles Terry.

The Man Upstairs has a plan for all of you, and loves you.

  • Isaiah 43:1-2 Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
Terry so sorry for your many causes of anxiety. No doubt these things affect you so deeply because you are a person who dearly loves his family. My prayers go out to you! Perhaps this list of verses from the Good Book, sent to me by a kind man who visits my neighborhood, will also bring you comfort. Either way, hang in there brother, one day at a time!

We all have different faiths or beliefs, and not forcing mine on you, but know that many here feel your pain, are going through similar things, and would be happy to correspond via message or phone if you'd like to talk.
Best regards,
Joe aka S&D
I'm sorry to hear about everything that's going in with your family Terry. Life can sure be a struggle and I know it can be much harder to see your loved ones suffer than it is to be there yourself.

These incredibly hard times we go through definitely can test your faith and fortitude. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I have no words that will ease the situation that you are going through, except that the stronger you are able to be around the others, the better off they will feel with you as their support.
Good vibes, juju, and most of all, prayers for strength in this demanding and heartbreaking time.
Some of my favorite things about this place isn't the knives........

From the very beginning, I noticed there is Alot of caring here!!!

I'm sending you the Best Wishes I can, and if you ever need to reach out, We're here.
Terry, you've clearly got a lot on your plate but I hope you can take some time to look after yourself, even if only for a few minutes. Being a caregiver is exhausting, and often thankless, but you are important too.

I hope things lighten up for you and your family very soon. You're doing good work, God bless.
Words seem shallow when such overwhelming things are going on. Any one of the situations you are dealing with is a lot by itself, much less combined.

It is admirable that you are taking on so much. As others have said, take some time for yourself when you can.

Just an fyi, intrathecal pain pumps can be life-changing regarding pain relief. Having pain relief while not being sedated is pretty amazing.

Good luck and best wishes/vibes from AK.