

Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
I have always appreciated Bladeforums for the Work in Progress threads that people post here. I've learned so much over the years, and have been able to be more efficient by learning from other people's successes and failures. I'm grateful to Bladeforums for providing a platform for this and to all those who've shared their processes so freely here over the years.

Hopefully there will be more successes than failures to learn from this thread, but it's what it is and you'll get it all, warts included. I have every intention of doing my best to make this thing happen, and am committed to seeing it through to the end. Although it might take a couple/few months.

There's been a little interest expressed in the product manufactured as a result of this project, and I have the go-ahead from the Man in the Big Pants to share some info with you all, so this thread is going to give those of you who are interested a behind the scenes view on how this new model is going to manifest itself.

I've been asked to preface this stuff with the disclaimer that I am an amateur knife maker. My skills will evolve quite a lot through this project, and if you know anything about knife making, you'll see that. The level of skill that you will witness over the course of the development of this new model is in no way indicative of the quality of the finished product you will be getting directly from CPK.

My intention is to focus on how the design part of the equation comes into play here. Design for me is an iterative process, and having an actual knife in hand that I can use is my goal here. What you see probably won't be pretty, but it will give the kind of feedback required to getting to the next step.

For this project, I'm using Bohler Uddeholm A2, which I'm able to procure in a precision ground finish that ensures that things will at least start out straight and square enough. My preference is for CPM 3V, but getting that stuff in the dimensions I need is not practical. I bought two pieces and once the first is profiled and I can get a sense of where everything is and where it should be, I'll trace it to the second piece and make changes if required. I plan on using that approach throughout this process.

I work almost everything out on paper, (that can be worked out) first, and when the profile feels right to me, I'll make a tracing and glue it to the steel. What you're seeing here is the result of rough profiling with a portable band saw. The next step will be to clean it up with the grinder and make sure everything is square. The grinder should be arriving very soon, but here's the tool I used to get to this point, (a drill press, as well).



Stay tuned...
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