Crawford Kasper or Lightfoot Catch Dog

Scott Green

Aug 15, 2006
Ok so I have narrowed it down as to these two as to what will be my next purchase. I am hoping someone here has some experience with both. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
My next buy will also be a Crawford, he makes terribly elegant knives. I've had my eye on the combat tanto with that superb-looking belly on the blade, simple but beautiful tooled handle and pale grey matt finish. The Kaspers look very nice, too. A little big for my tastes but I'm sure you'll be pleased. Pat is a very sweet guy, just talked on the phone today.
I agree, I have been emailing with him back and forth. I'm sure both are fine knives. I also have my eye on a Darrel Ralph Gunhammer. So many choices.....Thanks for your response

The Lightfoot will hold its value much better than the Crawford, should you decide at some point to sell either of them.
Scott- Damn right so many choices. have you looked at lately? Geez, talk about torture. However, I am seeing something about high-end knives I hadn't noticed before; after about $900 or so, prices seem to reflect things like materials rather than craft or design-- you know the drill: "Breathtaking multi-colored Damascus blade with Mastodon handle and black pearl inlays. Each knife a work of art...a stunner." But what I'm realizing is that after the fine work the maker has done on the knife itself, most other stuff is basically extra and so I don't necessarily need it. This was a perceptive breakthrough for me and helped to re-focus what I like vs. what isn't crucial. Sure, a beauty would be nice some day, but for now I'll be quite happy with my little Crawford.
Yeah, those Lightfoots are spankin'. More collectible than Crawford? BladeGoblin knows more than I, I'm sure of that. Though it is possible that Greg will be/is a more popular maker (especially with younger people) and this could, over time, actually drive up the price of a Crawford frame that is not quite as collected, more rare and therefore more valuable. Of course, the investment is in your personal pleasure more than what the future resale value may be. I think that should always be the first you love the knife? If the answer is yes, then you chose right and there's a good chance others will also appreciate the item.
Don't mean to go off topic, but davidm, did you get the combat tanto on the available knives page on Pats website? I was deciding to choose between it and the Wortac and ended up going with the Wortac. That Combat Tanto is sweet!
David, I agree with you totally, after a certain price range the knives get more "artsy" than functional. I can definately appreciate the work that goes into the higher end knives, I just know that personally if I had somthing that nice I'd get nervous if someone breathed on it wrong.
The Lightfoot will hold its value much better than the Crawford, should you decide at some point to sell either of them.

thanks Blade Goblin. Do you think the Ralph Gunhammer would have as good a resale value as would the Lightfoot if I were to sell it. Its always good to think about resale value when making an investment
Cutter- yes, I've seen the tanto on Pat's website (though I'll probably just mail him a money order, didn't want to go through all that internet ordering nonsense). Actually, I initially saw it years ago in a catalog Pat was contracting with and fell in love with it then.
I've only handled one Crawford knife, and that was fifteen years ago. I know I liked it, but I did not have near the experience I do now. I live pretty close to Grfeg Lightfoot and have handled a few of his knives. They are outstanding. Greg is a perfectionist, and this shows in his knives.