Criswell Waki handle length?


Jan 13, 1999
The Criswell 20" Wakizashi I'm thinking of buying has a handle just under 7" long. Looks a bit ... off. The other Criswell Wakis I've seen on this forum seem to have much longer handles. How come? Do the handle lenghts usually vary? New/old style?
I suspect that they do vary depending on when they were made. I worked on something that was billed as a Criswell Wak once. It was one of his real early pieces I think and looked and handled more like an Americanized tanto point meat cleaver more then anything else. I saw some of his new stuff at blade last year and it was very nice. So in a nutshell we all improve over time and Rob is no exception.
This is one of Rob's dealers, so I suppose it is newly made. But I hear what you are saying.

Must admit the handle of this one is probably closer to a "real" waki's handle. But as I'm not striving for authenticity, I don't much care about that :)