• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

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    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Dark Ops Knives Steel

You know, Walking Man, that's an excellent idea. I just sent the following:


As a knife fan, I would just like to let you know that I find your ad
copy to be completely over the top and potentially damaging to the
public view of the knife community, and possibly to the carry rights
of same. "Strategically placed blood grooves control blood spray in
covert deanimation activities." I don't know if I could intentionally
design a more damning sentence for a Senator to waive around to
support "knife-control" legislation.

Perhaps your knives are high quality, perhaps they aren't... but the
only way I'll ever know is by reading about someone else's test. I
refuse to support any company with as asinine and potentially damaging
ad copy as yours.

aka FoxholeAtheist on Bladeforums

PS There are many others who feel the same way I do. I think you
might want to do a little market research here:

I encourage you guys to do the same. Email address is info@darkopsknives.com

PS I will not be held responsible if Dark Ops customer reps travel the country covertly deanimating you. Feel confident, though, that even if they do, your relatives will have to clean up a minimum of blood spray.
The fact that anyone would buy these knives is ridiculous.

This company is insulting the intelligence of every member here. They assume we are naive enough to believe in their ridiculous advertising, or they would not be advertising their knives in this way. I really hope none of the people here buy into their advertising and their knives.
Paul Basal was indeed a Navy Seal.

There Ad's are over the top.

I've yet to see a knife.

There's enough other good knives that already fill the niche they want to enter, no need to bother with Dark Ops.
NervousXtian said:
Paul Basal was indeed a Navy Seal.

I think I'm going to have to disagree. From what I have gathered, he was involved in the Spec Ops community, but he never actually was a SEAL.
A guy on another forum I frequent persoanlly knows the guy. His word is that he was a Seal, I'm gonna take him on his word.
OK, I read the article you linked to on supressors for rifle caliber carbines, however, the reason for them apparently, is not to make the rifles "stealthy" or silent, which I believe is the intent of the Dork Ops ads, but merely to reduce the report of a rifle caliber to where it will not cause permanent hearing loss to those around the carbine when it is fired, clearly the Dork Ops ad means to make the "Seals" seem even more stealthy and covert by having the supressors, which, even when supressed, do not come close to making the rifles silent or remotely stealthy.

Clearly, the reason Dork Ops had suprrssed M4's in the ad was not for the actual, legit reason you might supress one, but to imply the M4's were now silent, covert and deadly, like their knives. :rolleyes:
If they are intended for only military and law enforcement why would they advertise in Blade magazine and the Bladeshow 2004?
With the exception of their very entertaining website, I have yet to see a Dark Ops ad; however, suppressors do more than just make the rifle quiet. They contain the muzzle flash and while you can hear the sonic boom of the bullet, you cannot easily determine the origin of that bullet. In some environments, due to sonic reflections the bullet will sound like it's coming from the power pole, tree or building it just missed on its way to the target. In short, it won't point at the shooter. IMO, IIRC, YMMV, yada yada yada
Westflorida said:
If they are intended for only military and law enforcement why would they advertise in Blade magazine and the Bladeshow 2004?

Well, if you call showing up without any knives advtertising... :)

It's the old trick, say it's for "Operators" or LEO's and Military, and court the armchair commando crowd... Shamelss, yet often effective, though not so much here on BF where we actually know something about knives, and poorly written ads...
Make sure you buy a SAK or equivalent of it because "If you need a utility folder, this is not the knife for you". What good is a knife "small enough to fit the body in cramped cockpits" if one has to carry an extra tool ? :confused:

They must have good IP lawyers though, they managed to trademark something that.

The website looks as if somebody took a paper brochure and OCRed it, hence some odd spelling. English doesn't seem t be their strongest point anyway ("... this basic principles of this design ..."). I wonder if they put this much effort in their knife manufacting too ... :rolleyes: