Photos Dec 2019 - Black Friday Grab Bag Scores - Lets see what you got..

Three $500 bags so far.
Two are custom shops.
All are Infi.
Anticipation is building.
Mine en route. I hope to get something similar to that beautiful CS Nano. Photos here so far look like $500 bags consist of one Busse. CS or higher end offering. I like this trend. Hope it continues to mine. Fingers, toes - and eyes crossed.
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hosted for @MythicalFountains


Going by Jerry’s first post and that price tag, I’m assuming this is the “minimum” one can expect from a $500 bag. That is one hell of a “minimum”!!!

edit: someone teach this millennial how to post a picture on the internet.


I had some trouble with posting pics at first, too. Until I found this thread. The hogs are very helpful. Hopefully you’ll find what you need there. I’m using an iPad/iOS, and my solution was explained on page 7.

Edit : forgot to link the thread.
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$500 grab

First ever Busse purchase. Took my chances and...

edit: someone teach this millennial how to post a picture on the internet.



If you forget to get the share links from imgur and try to cut-and paste the link using the picture icon, you end up with this:


Substituting XXX for IMG in the code, it looks like this:


(There's a little page icon for "Use BB Code Editor" in the top right corner of the editing pane. Click that and it shows you the codes.)

But it's an easy fix. If you go back and add a .jpg to the end of the address, you end up with something like this:


And with the XXX:

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Nice stuff all! I sat this one out too because I've bought everything I could want this year and mostly CS with the Ganzas and a couple off the X so I couldn't see how I could improve any. These are awesome scores- There wasn't much SR101 of any kind put out there so should see a lot of Infi and apparently CS stuff! Nice surprises! I'm still grinning for the folks who snagged!