Dexter Ewing Reviews

Oct 3, 1998
Dexter, if youi have got the time why dont you post all of your reviews, past, and present here. I am sure All would lke to see them. I appreciate these Reviews very much so and so will everyone else here. You are a brilliant man Mr. Ewing.

Even better, Dex, we'd love to turn them into HTML pages for this site, so that they can be easily accessed.

Let me know if you find this an option worth taking.


Thanks for your compliments, I'm glad you find the reviews to be helpful to you. I have forwarded several reviews already to Mike Turber for him to post on the site, with more on the way. I will try to post as many of them here on BladeForums as I possibly can. The reviews that have been published in Knives Illustrated® magazine cannot be published elsewhere, in print or electronic media, at the request of editor Bud Lang. So, go out and buy the issues or subscribe!
Keep watch over this site for the reviews! Thanks for posting.
