Did they use horn composite bows in Nepal?

Apr 13, 2004
I was researching an article on the Lagan Silekhana palace weapons that IMA/AC bought (or looted) and found this picture.

Note the arrow quivers on the top left and right among the various Nepalese weapons.

The quiver shape and x-strap is found in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, and Tibetan designs.


Here is a picture of a 19th century Imperial Qing quiver.

I would think yes, the Nepalese would have had composite horn bows in the arsenal. Water buffalo horn being an integral part of the belly of a bow is also commonly found on khukuris.

Also I think time and time again, Nepalese craftsman have demonstrated their ability to build anything.

There was a video awhile back I believe posted on this forum of a archery competition. I believe it was all woman and shooting it seemed like a very long distance, like over 100 yards as I recall. The strange part was they had many people standing right around the target, seems like it was family members or something.
Like 10 or 12 shooting at a time and each target with people all around it.

It was quite the deal, I'll have to poke around and see if I can find it again.