Did you ever have one of those days!

Hey that is the only place I can get any piece to be able to read a new magazine or tool catalog...:D
Donna just laughs at me....
Heres to new tool dreams and hot fires to forge in;)
Hehehe. I had a 8" tanto turn into a 1" blade knife. OOps :)

What did ya screw up on the blade roy?? I'm good at salvaging something out of screw ups!
Roy, I cant figure out how you could screw up a blade beyond repair if you had it so complete as 600 grit. You are going to have to give the details how this can happen so it dont happen to me.
OK, OK, I had the thing fly out of my hands and it hit the end of the work bench (which is metal of course) and put a good ding in the blade, so I proceeded to make the blade a little thinner and shorter so I could grind away the ding, did that, while regrinding the blade, I was still kinda peeod, and wasn't paying attention and put the dreaded 2 inch groove in the blade next to the ricasso, DEEP. So now I shorten the blade because it was starting to look like a pencil, by the time I got the groove out it was so thin it only had one side. at that point it hit the cement wall...................:mad: :mad: It just wasn't meant to be.
OK Im convinced now! Yes Ive had a day like that one time. I was doing a weird grind and the tip caught the insde of the grinding wheel and flung out out my hands like a rocket. It slammed into the wall at the back of the shop and landed under the bench. If I wasnt bleeding so bad I would have found it and threw it too. After grinding it to fix the tip and gouge it had a thin spot in the middle. I heat-treated it and my son broke it with his bare hands which cut him when it snapped like a pretzel. I still look at it once in a while to remind me to be more carefull.
Lol. I know exactly what you mean. I used to get the 2" line, or worse, at the plunge, it would burn and get a big dip/ripple right there and its almost impossible to get out. i finish them out, hand sand, and they become shop knives or beaters for me.
There was one period that I seriously thought about hunting up an exorcist for my Bader. I know the thing was just daring me to touch another piece of steel to it so it could screw it up too. I laid a hammer next to it and it took the hint and has been doing good for some time now.
Tom, I am thinking about wearing a purple scarf, changing my dip bucket to holy water and chanting, The power of the bader compels you, the power of the bader compels you. (hehehe):D
Now we all know why the ancient masters always had a prayer session before starting any blades;)
Man I have to pray everytime I start Damascus or grind.
About 10 years ago, the place I was working at bought an old, reportedly rebuilt machine that puts IC chips into printed circuit boards. Computer controlled, High speed monster about the size of a '56 Buick.

Nobody, the people who sold it or the factory that made it could get it to run right for more than 4 hours. After a real bad day, I decided to pick up a 24" pair of channel lock pliers and shook it at the Beast. The damn thing started running again all by it self. Other than normal service and wear items the thing ran good if I threatened it every day with the pliers. Four years later it put in over 10,000 parts in an 8 hour shift, with out a miss. then we unplugged it to make room for the new one. You go figure.

Two years later, It showed up at a rebuild place I was contracting out of, They couldn't get it to run worth a damn. I told them to part out the Beast, they did so in a heartbeat. Revenge is mine.