Photos Difference between Kelly 5lb and homemade 5lb out of Fire Axe

Dec 17, 2018
I picked up what I thought was another 5lb Kelly but when I took off the haft discovered a 6lb stamp under the poll. But my enthusiasm was dashed just as quickly when I weighed it to see it was only 5lb1oz.

Compared to my 5lb Flint Edge (also 5lb1oz) the poll was shorter and ended much closer to the number (6).

It occurred to me that it may have been made from a fire axe (it is a Standard) or had a bunch of the poll ground off but it would have had to have been done decades ago. The eye and bit were thicker and heavier walled than the Flint 5lb.


So I pulled out a fire axe and sure enough the bit and eye were just as thick and the poll was the same size as the homemade 5lb. It even ended the same distance from the number.


They also seem to have a slightly different pattern as well.

Well, hopefully this proves to be of some interest or help in identification.
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I scored a modified Kelly fireaxe similar to yours also...they are out there.
Definitely its own pattern...I think.
Mine weighed in about 5 1/4 pounds, head only less the spike.
Marked 6lbs.


...and now weighs almost 6lbs





As it was last summer when I brought it home


Nice to see and be aware of another like axe out there :cool:
crbn, yes that is a good solution for your flat head fireman ax.
I believe that's what Council did when they made their flat head fireman ax. (left the spike off and advertised it as 6 lbs.) Not thinking
that somewhere a customer will find out. 5 1/2 lb. would be very close to where mine is. Still, it is a very good splitting ax on my tough
oak. Just wish the poll was hardened. Then it would be a step up. Most wood cutters don't need this duty ax to split Spruce or Juniper but
it is sure nice to have hanging in the barn to use on tough wood. DM