"Dirk" or "Dagger" as defined by California law


Mar 9, 2000
I had the opportunity today to do some brief research as to the meaning of "dirk or dagger" as defined in Penal Code section 12020. Penal Code section 12020 prohibits the concealed carry of a dirk or dagger.

Basically, it is a question of fact for the jury, which means that it's open for some interpretation. Recent case law establishes the following:

(1) Where a weapon has characteristics that limit its effectiveness as a stabbing instrument, the weapon will NOT de defined as a dirk or dagger.

(2) The weapon must be capable of "ready use." (Thus, a folding knife with a 3.5" or 4" blade was held not to be a dirk or dagger)

Case law held that a bread knife (because of its dull tip) is not a dirk or dagger because of a lack of stabbing capability.

Also, I would add that Mr. Caracci's Pendulum would likely not be defined as a dirk or dagger under the foregoing analysis.

One may even make the argument that a khukuri is not a dirk or dagger because it is designed for chopping, as opposed to stabbing.

Tomahawks seem to be OK, as they are not even defined under 12020, nor due they have stabbing capability (unless you're talking about one of the spike hawks, in which case you might get a real hard a$$ prosecutor who wants to define the hawk as a dirk or dagger, obviously stretching it quite a bit).

The crux of the argument seems to be whether or not it has immediate, "ready", stabbing capability. Some of the cases even defined very small, fixed blades (something less than 2") as dirks or daggers!

Moral of the story: Carry a folder in California, or a fixed blade such as the pendulum (or maybe even a small khukuri).

I sure hope this little editorial doesn't come back to bite me in the a$$. :eek:
Thanks very much for your thoughtful analysis. If you haven't already done so, it might be beneficial to post this in the Knife Law Forum as well.

I know of a guy who got 120 days in the slammer on the basis of the concealed one-inch blade on a copy of a Cold Steel Mini-Pal. Of course, he had a record and was hanging around a known drug area. The funny thing is that the first of two cops looked at the knife and handed it back to him. The second cop saw it and arrested him.
Essentially any solid object with a point is a dirk or dagger in CA., including any fixed blade knife with a point on it, but the law prohibits concealed carry of such objects only. Open carry of a fixed blade knife of any length is not prohibited by 12020.
How do I post this in the Knife Law Forum? Do I have to re-type everything into the forum again? Or is there a simple way to do it? Thanks.
Sorry to say I'm pretty computer illiterate and don't know how. However, there are lots of knowledgeable people who ought to be able to help us out. Anyone?
Hit the "edit" button on your own post. When you see your original text in the box, put your mouse over it, right click, select "select all", hit Ctrl then C keys. Now dont hit any buttons to edit your original post, just go the the forum you want to post in. Hit "new post" make sure your cursor is showing up in the text box as it would if you were going to type a new message. Instead of typing a new message, hit Ctrl then V. You should see the same text of the previous message in the box. Hit post just as you would if you were posting a new message.

If someone attacks you with a "dirk" or "dagger" while you are doing this, deflect the incoming weapon-bearing limb and immediately gouge out their eyes with your thumbs or crush their trachea with an edge-of-hand blow, unless you are in California, then you should consult an attourney. :D
Originally posted by James Sass
If someone attacks you with a "dirk" or "dagger" while you are doing this, deflect the incoming weapon-bearing limb and immediately gouge out their eyes with your thumbs or crush their trachea with an edge-of-hand blow. :D

Soon to be known as "Bio-mechanical-bludgeoning." :D