Do LE officers carry knives

Lately, I've been carrying a Benchmade NRA Gaucho in my left rear pants pocket (so it doesn't drag on the car seat as I'm getting in and out) and a Benchmade D2 G10 770 in my shirt pocket. I also carry a Leatherman tool in my jacket pocket and there are usually a few other knives in my car along with a Spyderco Sharpmaker for something to do during boring times. Every few months, I rotate knives and try something else. These Benchmades have been my favorites so far but I have had some good use out of some D2 Ka-bar frolders and some carbon fiber CRKT M16s and CRKT M18s. Some of my co workers were carrying $5 knives so I gave out several Gerber Harsey Air Rangers at work on Christmas morning. Not great knives but several steps up from what they were carrying.
I carried Socom Elites and D/A's but that's because I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express!!!
I always have my Charge TI with me and I also carry at least one other knife with me, I rotate my favorite EDC's based on what I feel like carrying that day to include Benchmade 960, 630, 635, Buck Tarani, Buck 882, or my Microtech LCC. I believe that everyone I work with carries at least one knife. A few carry crap flea market knives that they love because they are so cheap. The rest carry decent knives from Kershaw, Buck, Spyderco etc.

I am the only knife nut though. I just ordered a Busse Mud Warden and I plan to carry that on my belt as soon as I figure out where to get the right sheath for it. Most of the guys think I am crazy for spending what I do on knives.
My brother-in-law is a motorcycle officer and he carries a CRKT M-16. I've met quite a few of his co-workers and the old timers usually carry a leatherman multitool or a Buck 110 on their belt - the younger officers (25-35) are mostly into tactical style knives - Spydies, Benchmade, and Buck Strider being the most common brands.

Someone above mentioned Beretta being junk - With all due respect, I have to disagree with that statement. Beretta's don't get much play on the forums but they have some very decent offerings in their line. Most are AUS-8 or better with a few being made in S-30V. The fit and finish on their knives is quite nice, as well.
Someone above mentioned Beretta being junk - With all due respect, I have to disagree with that statement. Beretta's don't get much play on the forums but they have some very decent offerings in their line. Most are AUS-8 or better with a few being made in S-30V. The fit and finish on their knives is quite nice, as well.

If they've improved, then I'm glad. The knife I saw was utter crap. I don't know much about it- and the officer didn't either-, but I saw it for what it was: a black turd with the Beretta name on the side.
Spyderco, BM are popular.

But lots of LEOs are notoriously cheap and those usually carry dept issue knives (which would be immediately identified as crappy by anyone from BF)...

Most of the time its the thought of losing the knife which makes cheaper knives popular. (S&W... ugggghhh)

For me: old Spyderco paramil/mil, waved delica, Boker subcom... I'd carry my BM CC Ritter Grip but I cant bring myself to do it.

Multi-tools are good but heavy on the belt.
Where I work it runs the full gamut from real cheap crap up to Benchmade autos and a few Striders. A lot of folks carry a Leatherman on their duty belt in addition to a pocket knife. Right now I am carrying a SNG and a SLCC, sometimes I will carry a GB and a McGinnis model 1.
I am not an leo, but have a couple of friends who are. Both carried, one of them was a benchmade osborne, think it's a 941. Fairly certain the other carried a BM as well, not sure of the model though.
Around here ( Canada ) you see a lot of multitools - many of which are POS's . You also see quite a few Pocket clips - again mostly POS type .

Hey Guys....


I've done quite a few sheaths for Canadian coppers...

Some pretty cool stuff, fixed blades, boot knives,,and even a MT HALO III

In fact,, a good percentage of my business is to LEO from all over the place...


Eric, the guys with the good knives know who to turn to.
The ones with the cheap knive just end up using them up or losing them.

When I started giving my brother-in-law better knives to carry, he said the other LEOs in his department were really impressed -- like, Spyderco, wow. Good knives, but they weren't customs, most of them just never knew better.
Hey Esav...

I hear ya...

Thanks much..:)

Don't get me wrong I've done my fair share of Crapola,,probably the majority..However we really have one store in the area that caters to Coppers,, and they have started to carry some Really decent knives..

Spydies,Benchmades MT..Some CRKT fixed blades

Still see alot of S&W folders and fixed blades though..That kinda Stuff...

One thing I forgot to mention ..

The KaBar TDI is an issued item to Ohio State Troopers...

I just did a Rat 3 for a US Secret Service agent

I'm moving up in the world..:)


However we really have one store in the area that caters to Coppers,, and they have started to carry some Really decent knives
That's the key -- availability. We get threads periodically about what the military carries, and it's the same thing, mostly lower-end. But if that's all they see in the PX, that's what they can afford to buy.

Once better tools are available, those who need or appreciate better will buy them.

The KaBar TDI is an issued item to Ohio State Troopers...

I just did a Rat 3 for a US Secret Service agent

I'm moving up in the world..:)
Sounds like Ohio and the Secret Service are moving up. :)
The TDI is a great backup, and not just for self-defense. It's a handy beater for poking and prying and scraping when a fancier blade might not be up to the job.